Utopia Hat
You saw this hat a while back in May, you can see the top of the hat here, and close ups of the grey & white/beige hats here. I was looking at the files on the computer, saw Utopia.doc word document and thought oh goodie, I already typed up the pattern. Nope, no such luck. I opened the Word doc and it was empty. I also got this enable/disable macro popup window which would always pop up whenever I opened the Word document or just launched Word. It's probably a side effect of launching Word for the very first time on my "new" laptop. Anyhowz, that problem disappeared on its own. So I finally got around to typing up the pattern. These hats are for Cap Karma. I did try to take photos of the blue hat while M was wearing it, but they all came out blurry! Hard to capture someone who doesn't understand the concept of being still long enough for my camera to auto-focus and take a picture.
You can knit as much ribbing as you like before starting the pattern. I think I knit 4 rows of ribbing in the grey hat, and 5 rows of ribbing in the blue hat. I don't think a fold-up brim would work very well for this hat as it would cover up much of the cable pattern on the bottom half of the hat.
The pattern is pretty easy to memorize once you've done the first 6 rows of the pattern, then it becomes mindless knitting. Great pattern to knit while watching TV.
There are two different decreases for this hat. There is the "plain" decrease which you see in the blue hat. And there's the "twisted" version which you see in the white/beige hat, where there is an extra cable twist at the top. You can see more photos of the grey hat and white/beige hat here.
Stitches used in this hat include:
Knit-Two Purl-Two Ribbing, BW1 pg 39
Pattern 36.2, HG5 pg 81
Please email me if you would like your photo and a link to your blog (if you have one) to appear in My Readers' Gallery.
Note: Tips for resizing hat can be found here:

Utopia Hat Pattern:
Utopia Hat Pattern from Box.com (no registration required, just click on link & save file)
16 stitch(es):
Another beauty, Marie! Where do you find the time?!
Looks GREAT! Miss M can't sit still because she KNOWS she looks cute!
Utopia looks so snuggly--great job! Thank you for sharing this lovely pattern! It has a truly "organic" feeling ;-)
What a beautiful hat pattern. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you! I can't wait to start. You are so wonderufl to share your patterns with us.
Quel beau chapeau! J’ai décidé de laisser mon commentaire en français à cause du fait que tu as indiqué que tu voudrais apprendre le français. C’est beaucoup de travail mais ça vaut le pain!
Wanted Mary! I loved its gorrinhos Utopia. You it could send me the prescription? I am thankful very.
my email is andreaelisa_@hotmail.com
Thank you
hello im from portugal and i love to knitt,im intrested in pattern from utopia cam you send to me?
tank you, my mais is mimosamargarida@hotmail.com
Thank you for sharing your gorgeous hat patterns! I want to make at least one of each! :) The Utopia is my favorite though.. I can see it dressed up in merino, or rugged and tweedy.. oh my! Thanks!!
Ola Mari tudo bem??
por gentilesa poderia mandar pra mim a receita desse gorro é muito lindo desde já te agradeço...
tenha uma ótima noite.
I love love this hat. I have tried twice to make but me and hubby have big heads. I will try heavier yarn. We will be sporting two of these hats for the winter. Keep the great hats coming.
Olá Mari,
Seu blog é maravilhoso! Parabéns!
Poderias me enviar a receita desse gorro? Desde já te agradeço.
Susana Cardoso
Santa Catarina - Brazil
Hola Mari ,puedes mandarme la receta de este lindo gorro ?
Y si consigo hacerlo puedo poner la foto en mi blog ?
Te lo agradezco de corazón.ELENA
OI Mari! Adorei esse gorro,poderia por favor me mandar a receita? Desde já agradeço. Abraço.
Hello mary!
I loved its gorrinhos Utopia. You it could send me the prescription?
I am thankful very.
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