Doctor Who Scarf
1. Most of the challenge was trying to find all the colors from the same brand. I know I could probably mix & match, but I thought the scarf would be more consistent if made from the same yarn.
2. The next thing was trying to keep the total cost way below $100. I was researching possible 100% wool yarns that would have made the cost of this scarf above $70. I don't know if I want to spend that much on a scarf that I can't really wear. I knew I could probably find the colors in acrylic yarn, but I didn't want acrylic. No, I'm not a yarn snob. There is a time and place for acrylic yarns and I do use them. I just feel that this scarf should be made with 100% wool.
3. I was in no great hurry to get started on this since it is such a loooooooong and booooooring project. Really. Nearly 64,000 stitches in garter stitch. Mind numbing! There are 1062 rows in this scarf, and I'm thinking of casting on 60 stitches (so it won't be too wide) --> 63,840 stitches total.

The colors you see here are for the Season 12 scarf (Robot, Sontaran Experiment). I'll admit that I don't see myself wearing this color combo. I'm thinking the red/purple Season 18 (Leisure Hive) scarf colors suit me better. Well, I picked up the Season 12 colors so I'll knit that one first.
Next question is whether I'll ever wear this scarf. Can you imagine me at 1.53 m tall wearing a scarf that is 4.5 m to 5 m long ??? And I'd like to avoid pulling an Isadora Duncan...
I may end up gifting this to a Time Lord who can wear the scarf better than I can. Unfortunately, I'm quite positive the scarf will not be completed before Gallifrey One.
I picked up 2 to 4 balls of these colors. I hope I have enough of each color to complete the scarf. In retrospect, I probably should have picked up 4 balls of each color just to be safe.

Chocolate Truffle, 4 skeins
In December, we went down to San Diego for a few days to take the Little One to the zoo there. It's such a nice zoo, it makes the one in San Francisco feel like a ghetto. This zoo is HUGE! We went 2 days and still did not see everything. We'll have to visit the Wild Animal Park next time we head down there.
The Little One had a nice Christmas. One of her gifts was a big Dug. That's the dog from the movie Up. We saw the movie before we headed down to SD. I loved the movie. I was trying to find a big Kevin (the big colorful bird from the movie) but they didn't have any more at the Disney Store. Since they had a B1G1 free sale on all their stuffed toys, I also picked up a big Tigger for her birthday in March.
We visited various Target Stores between home and SD, as they were perfect places for comfort stops and a little food. My local Target used to stock the Little One's favorite tea, Celestial Seasonings Sweet Coconut Thai Chai (it's decaf). However they have stopped carrying this tea after they knocked down and rebuilt the store. It's not sold at the next nearest Target or my 2 local supermarket chains. I was pleasantly surprised to find this tea at the Target store in Anaheim. Well that's quite a long distance from home, so I picked up 3 boxes while I was there.
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