Cat for nominating me for the Rockin Girl Blogger. This is actually my 3rd nomination, however this time I am not going to
wait over a month to mention it, lol. I've already tagged five people

Click on pictures to enlarge.
Bets mentioned something about rubber stamps for her HUGe project, then I stumbled upon some of my old rubber stamping stuff while packing for our house move, so I thought I'd share some of the rubber stamp mail art I've received in the past. These people are way more creative than I am. I'm not actively rubber stamping these days. Knitting keeps me busy enough, lol. While going through old stuff and packing, I found two boxes of rubber stamps, plus extra stuff like paper, envelopes, sponges, colored markers & ink pads, & embossing powders. I think I'll save the rubber stamps for M to play with when she's a bit older.

There are some people who do incredible rubber stamp art, April W (Woodbridge, VA) being one of them. Another name that pops up in my mind is Audrey F in Jacksonville, FL. And there's someone in Van Nuys, CA, what's her name? V, maybe you can remember?
I'll share more pics of rubber stamp mail art in future posts. I don't want to overwhelm my readers with them all in one post.
Well, we
were supposed to get carpets on Monday but the carpet installer was a no show during the 9 am to 11 am window. So carpet installation has been rescheduled for tomorrow (Thurs 8/16). I think this place will start to look like a home after we get carpets in the bedrooms. I'm so excited!
The FixIt guys came by on Tuesday (yesterday) to finish painting the master bathroom door and the trim around that door.
I've been spending a lot of time driving to the new house. We get very little done on the weekends when we drive there with M. Last Saturday was a good example of that. We expected her to nap during the hour long drive to the new house, but she was resilient, staying awake the entire time. We moved more stuff into the new house. Went to get lunch. Stopped by two places to get house stuff, and dropped off the items at the new house. M was clearly in need of a nap, and it was obvious we would not be able to get any more work done at the house, so we headed home instead. Not a very productive day...
So last Sunday, DH stayed home with M, while I drove to the new house to move more stuff and get stuff done. It was quite productive.
And on Monday, my Mom came over to take care of M while I drove to the new house to get more stuff done and move more crap to the new house. I cleaned the bathroom medicine cabinets, counter tops, and the cabinets beneath the counter tops. The cabinets were very filthy, and I saw something strange in the master bathroom cabinet under the sink. There was some sort of plant-like/mossy growth at the back along the bottom & side edges. I didn't have the camera with me so I couldn't take a photo of it. I steered clear of the stuff, didn't even want to touch it. Maybe I'll just place a big shelf liner sheet over the back so I don't have to look at it. If I don't see it, it doesn't exist...
Since I've been driving to the new house every weekend (and more), I am getting quite acquainted with lane changes on the freeway, and the odd thing about Wolfe Avenue in Cupertino/Sunnyvale. Are you familiar with this street? If you drive between Ranch 99 (near the Wolfe Ave exit on 280; I think the street name is Homestead?) and El Camino Real, the street on the whole is pretty straight... however, the lanes swerve so much that you feel like you're doing a slalom!
Oh, we're planning to move in a week and a half. I guess we better find some movers for the big furniture. And I need to get cracking on emptying bookshelves and cabinets before the move.
I recently saw the movie "Batman Begins". It was a good movie. It was definitely darker than the previous Batman movies. Next movies queued up are "Elizabeth I" (Helen Mirren) and "The Good Shepherd" (Matt Damon).
I've started Laurie R King's "The Art of Detection" (audio book).
M is going to wake up from her nap any minute now. So I better finish up my ghetto chocolate (100 Grand fun size bars) and my tea (Yamamotoyama green). Since my tea pots are packed up and moved to the new house, I am drinking from tea bags until we move...