Knitting Ladies at SFIA
I've found the photos I took on June 15, when M & I spent the afternoon visiting the Knitting Ladies at the San Francisco International Airport, and thought I'd share some of them with you. Like the previous visit, it was a fun gathering. And M managed to find things to do while we ooh-ed and aah-ed over all the knitting and shared ideas & techniques.

I think Marisa made this vest.

Here's a ruffle scarf. Looks neat, but I think all the stitches on the needle would drive me batty, lol.

I think Andre knit all these socks. I still have yet to start my first sock. I hear it's addictive once you start...

This is Bette's shell & scarf. She finished the shell with yarn to spare, so made a matching scarf. I'm afraid I took pictures of the wrong side of the scarf. Sorry about that.

Aren't these cute hats? You can find the pattern for the 2 hats in the last photo here. I can't remember what the other hat is, perhaps Emily can tell us.

You can see all the knitting sprawled out on the conference room table here.

This scarf and sweater are knit with the exact same yarn, but knit by two different people.

This is Marisa's(?) child's top. It looks like something I might be able to knit since it is seamless, knitted in the round.



This is Tina's beaded scarf. It has a gazillion beads in it!

This is a little pouch that is really soft. I think it was made with bamboo yarn?
1 stitch(es):
Love your blog. Yes socks are very addictive once you start. I started in Nov. and I can't stop
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