I do have to figure something out with the itty bitty baby spiders in the house. I've seen them in the closets. Yes, the same closet where I've moved some of my knitting boxes. When I was at the house last weekend, I went to a box in the closet and opened it... eeks! I see two little spiders crawling on the box. These are itty bitty spiders, smaller than a nail head, but they're still spiders and I have an aversion to spiders. I'm worried about spiders crawling through my yarn, but most of all, my clothes!!!
We finally got carpets installed. It feels so much more like a home now. It's slowly coming together...
We were wondering why we didn't get carpeting in the hallway too. I guess if we got hallway carpeting, then we might as well have gotten carpeting in the living room, dining room, and family room too. But I do like having hard wood floors, even if they're not very nice hardwood floors (they need refinishing, especially in that middle bedroom in the photo above). And I figure I can better see M's food droppings on hardwood floors.
This is our family room full of boxes, photo taken last weekend. And that doesn't even show you all the stuff we already unpacked (mostly in the kitchen), or the stuff we put in the dining room and living room. Now that we've got carpeting in the bedrooms, we've started to move boxes to the bedrooms and bedroom closets.
I found this during my last Costco run. They're foam mats, kinda like the colorful ones you find at Toys R Us. These are boring grey, and have a slightly bumpy surface, but I think they'll still work out OK for blocking scarves and shawls. There are 8 mats in this package, 2 ft square. I think that should cover any size shawl I might make in the future. I think this was under $12, sorry don't recall exactly, but it was definitely cheaper than the $20-40 mats at Toys R Us. If this doesn't work out, then I'll use these mats for some other purpose around the house. I haven't even opened the package yet. I figure it'll be easier to move to the new house if I don't open them now.
DH gets tennis balls at Costco. They used to come in this plastic box, but the last time I went to Costco I noticed that they're packaged in cardboard boxes again. Boo hoo. After DH goes through all those tennis balls, the empty plastic box is mine! What do you think I'll use it for? Hmmm...
(Did you guess yarn?)

You've seen my Swiffer Mop in all my Swiffer Mop posts. My mom gave me her Swiffer mop clone and it is quite a bit different from the real Swiffer I have. It's great to have two of these mops now, since I will have so much more floor to clean at the new house. And M is always trying to "help", so there'll be a mop for her and a mop for me, and we can both Swiffer at the same time. Won't that be nice?
There are no brand markings on this yellow mop, so I have no idea who made it. Does anybody know? This Clone less flat than the Swiffer I have, and maybe smidgen narrower? Anyhowz, what this really means is that I have to figure out which swiffer mop cover fits this Clone best. I think I took the photo above with my first modified mop cover; it couldn't be my second modified mop cover because it isn't green. Good thing I made them different colors, lol. It looks like the first one will fit this Clone best, and the second one will fit the real Swiffer best.
I still have to show you photos of that second modified mop cover after washing....
3 stitch(es):
You "clone" mop looks like my mop...I think it was made by "pledge". If it has silver handle I think that's it!
Hardwood floors are the best. I would ever ever get wall to wall carpeting ever again!
Good luck unpacking.
I should have checked it out first before speaking!! It not "pledge" ...it's "scotch brite". My memory is even worse than I thought....
Hey, I know you're busy with moving stuff; just wondered if you got my email asking if you'd like to contribute one of your patterns to the small knitting magazine I edit.
Please let us know, since the deadline's coming up! Thanks, Jaala
Koi Knitting
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