Friday Fill-In #92

1. October c'est le temps de ratisser les feuilles.
2. Les araignées me craignent ( « j'ai peur des araignées » ?) scare me!
3. Leaves are falling all around, it's les couleurs sont belles.
4. My favorite horror movie is je n'en pense pas un because Je n'aime pas des films d'épouvante, cependant j'aime les films à suspense comme « Le Sixième Sens »
5. Temps libre, de bons amis, bonne cuisine, bon vin = good memories.
6. It was a dark and stormy night je dormais à poings fermés.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to finir une mitaine, tomorrow my plans include faisant la grasse matinée and Sunday, I want to paresser!
(1. it's time to rake leaves; 2. spiders; 3. the colors are beautiful; 4. i don't have one howveer i like suspense films like The Sixth Sense; 5. free time, good friends, good food and wine; 6. slept soundly; 7. finish a mitt, sleep in, veg)
Copyright © Smariek Knits 2005-2008. All full copyright rights are reserved by Smariek Knits.
4 stitch(es):
Life is good indeed! :) I am not sure how fall is where you are, but here nature explodes in thousands shades of yellow and red before going to sleep for the winter. I shall take pictures (of course) and share. I pledge to make my way West to Cali in 2009 and get together with you guys... There is nothing like having good friends to share stories and a good bottle of wine with. :)
Don't worry about your HUGes-I am sure they will be fine!!!
I don't like horror films, or anything that could be even remotely true.
You've seemed to develop a new hobby (Leaf Raking - giggle). I am so in agreement about horror films, I don't watch them, I did like the Mummy - it was humorous. I will more than likely develop the courage to try another of your beautiful scarves later this winter, there are so many to choose from and also a hat or two. I did make one of your hats for a friend who was going thru chemo and she loved it. Oh and one moe thing, enjoy your time with your precious little girl, they really do grow up so fast, this cuddly stage in life (although at times challenging) is one of the most precious.
or like Silence of the Lambs! Hope you had a great weekend, thanks for playing :-)
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