My Readers' Gallery
I'm always surprised and delighted when I discover that other knitters have chosen to knit one of my designs. I always wonder who would be interested in such simple and poorly written patterns? (Gauge? What's that?) But I have received email with photos of my designs, and I have also seen them on other people's blogs ... so I guess somebody out there must like them. LOL.
I've decided to start a Readers' Gallery here. It's something others have suggested, but at the time I had no idea how to do that. I have a better idea now; better late than never, right? :-)
Please email me if you would like your photo and a link to your blog (if you have one) to appear here.
Click on photos to see larger version; click on links to go to the knitter's blog.

This is Dawn's Asherton Toddler Hat, which she made for Foundation For His Ministry. You'll find her blog here.

Jenny's Utopia Hat. This is the blue one which you can read about on her blog. She also made a 2nd Pink Utopia Hat here.

Lacewing's Cap Karma Hat.
Maya's Ariel Hat.

Cindy's Miranda Scarf.

This is WendyDancer's 3AM Cable Hat. You'll find more of her knitting at her blog or on Flickr.

Here's Michelle's Ariel Scarf.

Marce knit 2 of these hats. You can see more photos on her blog and on Flickr, where you can see the hat on her really cute daughter!
Mary's 3AM Cable Hat.

Monica's Utopia Hat & Scarf.
Márcia's Utopia Hat.
Márcia's also knit the Cap Karma Hat, you can see more photos of this hat here.

Priscilla's Bonbons and Calissons Scarf.

Regina's Asherton Hat, Cap Karma Hat, and Utopia Hat.

Tinks has made two Utopia Hats. You can see her knitting & crochet photo album here.


Rhoda has also made the Travelling Vine Cloth and two Heart Lace Cloths. She has a blog, and another place to show off her finished objects.

Joanne has made a few of my patterns: Slip Stitch Hat, Heart Lace Cloth, and 3AM Cable Hat.

Patty has made a number of my patterns: Dayflower Cloth; 4 Embossed Hearts Cloth; Heart Lace Cloth; Fountain Lace Cloth, knitted for the Fun Knitting Dishcloths KAL.

Bev's cloth & hats (Diamonds Cloth, Slip Stitch Hat, & Cap Karma Hat)



This is Dee's Fountain Lace Cloth. This was knit for Fun Knitting Dishcloths KAL's January KAL.

Liz' Cap Karma Hat . I can't figure out why this photo is rotated 90º to the right. The photo on my computer is definitely right side up & horizontal, but it keeps appearing rotated & vertical after I upload it to Blogger. I've tried this 8 or 9 times, no luck. Any ideas how to fix this Blogger quirk? You can see a better photo on Liz' blog.

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