you've got mail
Discovered this sitting by the front door as I drove up the driveway yesterday. Hmmm... big box, guess it isn't from KP with my set of sock size pointy sticks which I ordered on Thanksgiving. Missy loves to pick up boxes outside, so she and Pooh Bear got out of the car and to go fetch the mysterious box. I glanced at the return address. Oooh! Oooh! I know what this is! I couldn't open the box right away as the Guv needed my attention for a birthday party she was having for one of her stuffed friends.
I did eventually park her in front of the telly long enough to crack this puppy open and take a peek inside. Oooh! Aaah! Lots of lovely stuff inside! Unfortunately this is all I can show you at the moment. We are waiting for one more person in the group to receive her box, and then we can talk about it.
Related posts:
22Jan2009 post (Angelina Cable Fingerless Mitts Pattern download page)
14Jan2009 post (3 Photos - Adult Size)
11Jan2009 post (3 Photos - Kindergartener Size)
07Jan2009 post (1 Photo - Kindergartener Size)
05Jan2009 post (2 Photos - Toddler Size)
04Jan2009 post (3 Photos - Toddler Size)
However here's a little something I can show you guys. Remember the toddler size version I made? (see 4Jan09 and 5Jan09 posts) After having a toddler size reference point, I was able to modify it for a kindergarten size version to fit Angelina who is turning 6 yrs old this month. It looks larger on Missy because I made it larger all around, a little added width and a little added length on both ends plus an extra round on the thumb.
I finished Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norell while working on this mitt. I enjoyed it despite some slow spots here and there. I am now contemplating beginning Susanna Clarke's other book, The Ladies of Grace Adieu. Hmm, I just remembered that I still haven't weaved in the ends and I am surprised that there are no visible dangling bits in the photo. Cool! Of course this doesn't mean I can avoid weaving in ends. Better go do that now.

I still find it cumbersome to work the thumb stitches with my 8 inch pointy sticks. CC tells me that there are glove needles for just this purpose. I will have to hunt some down.
Copyright © Smariek Knits 2005-2009. All full copyright rights are reserved by Smariek Knits.
5 stitch(es):
Beautiful mitt! And yes, get some short needles; you'll be glad you did. I like mine!
That mitt is lovely!
I enjoyed Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell myself as well, though it was slow in spots, as you mentioned. I'm not a big fan of short stories, so I'm sort of staying away from her other book... though maybe she's better at short stories (no space for slow spots, LOL). I hope she writes another full-length novel sometime!
the mitt looks lovely. I think there needs to be more kid-sized patterns like this around.
the box looks interesting. Hmmm, can't wait to find out!
Full Thread Ahead in Los Altos carries the shorter needles, you could look there. I've got a couple sizes, one of which I got there. (The other I bought at Stitches)
I love the pink mitts yummy:)Hugs Darcy
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