See how they run, see how they run,
They all ran after the farmer's wife,
Who cut off their tails with a carving knife,
Did you ever see such a thing in your life,
As three blind mice?

Remember when I mentioned my rodent problem? The intermittent mouse is the center mouse pictured above. The quarter was thrown in for size reference. I love the compact size, and it fits my hand (or my hand has gotten accustomed to it). I dug out the Microsoft Explorer mouse (mouse on the right) which drove me nuts due to some annoying quirks. The wheel didn't click and only worked intermittently. Well, I dug around and found the itty bitty mouse you see on the left. I don't know what flavor it is, some generic mini optical mouse. It came from a law firm; www.finnegan.com is printed on the front. They specialize in Intellectual Property. So if you've got an idea you'd like to patent, this is the type of lawyer you'd speak to about it. I'm still getting used to the skinnyness of the mouse. It is way too narrow for my liking, however the wheel works!!! So this mouse is going to do the trick until I find another replacement.
Mice, like keyboards, are such a personal thing. So hard to deal with any changes.
Jennifer is having a 4th Anniversary contest, check it out on her blog here.
People have asked about the Banana Nut Bread recipe. I used this recipe with a minor tweak. Instead of 2 cups of bananas, I add about 4 cups. Now I know you're supposed to carefully measure out all ingredients when baking and I do measure everything in this recipe with the exception of the bananas. I usually mash up about 4 medium/large bananas. I don't bother measuring them. But I think it comes out to about 4 cups. I had tried this recipe as-is and there just wasn't enough banana flavor for my tastes. So I added more banana the next time I made it and it was greatly improved.
Oh, I made another batch of these cookies. Miss M really loves helping with the prep work, measuring things out and stirring. Miss M has a habit of asking for "something else" after she finishes her meals. I have no idea where she got the idea that there should always be "something else". Anyhow, on the morning after we baked these and after finishing her breakfast, she asked for "something else". DH asked her what she wanted and she responded with, "how about cookie?" He explained that cookies aren't for breakfast but she could have some later.
There is absolutely no knitting going on in my house. I am just having a hard time focusing on anything and it doesn't help that I feel exhausted all the time. I feel like I need a nap in the early afternoon, unfortunately I can't take naps when Miss M has completely shaken off naptime. However I did finish sewing buttons on my mom's vest and I need to post about that when I can find some time to concentrate on typing up that post.
As for the February Lady Sweater, I have been thinking about skipping buttons entirely and trying some sort of hook/clasp thing instead. I need to go shopping and see what's available.
Check out this gorgeous baby blanket. I'd love to make something like that if there wasn't any seaming involved.
I love Stacey's post about her journey in making the hemlock blanket. This is a gorgeous pattern that I've been thinking about for some time.
This Rib Waist Cardigan (1st photo) looks great on the model! Love the ribbing around the waist. I think this cardigan would look great in purple though (perhaps a little bias here). I also liked the Wrap Vest (the purple one, 2nd photo down on the same page). These patterns are written for sizes M, L, XL, 2X, 3X and 4X.
7 stitch(es):
I love the baby blanket, but like you I probably would shy away from knitting it because of all the seams. I bet you could do the braided crochet seaming...that might not be too bad. I know I would only make a blanket like that for someone who would really truly appreciate it :)
Oh make sure you aren't getting the flu my friend. Tired is how it started out with me. And I also couldn't even think about picking up a needle. Thank God I feel better and I am ready to hit the sticks again.
Aah thanks for the linkage luv!! :o)
I really appreciate it! As it makes me feel better about all the work it takes in making those long F.O. posts and so worth it!! Thank U!
Ok, I had to go look up the Lady February sweater (I must not move in the right circles, because this was the first I'd heard of it). It is really cute! I'll be eager to see your version when you get to it.
Too funny - I have one of those Finnegan mice as well. Got it as a freebie in some goodie bag at an event. Wouldn't it be funny if we were there together! I use it as my traveling mouse.
Me again! I tried to contact you through the contact button on your blog but it wouldn't let me - said "No CAPTCHA was viewed". You won my Daffodil Daze contest and I need your address to send you the prize! Send me an e-mail at lahamlt@gmail. THANKS!
Thanks for entering my contest and posting the link on your blog.
Have a great evening.
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