Thoughts for 02/24/07
Ever since I upgraded my New Blogger Template, I got this neato mosquito feature called "labels". So I added a few labels to my posts, but did not label all of them. I'm still not sure how I want to label my posts. Do you guys add labels to each and every post on your blog? I haven't done this. I figure if anybody is really interested, they can use the drop down arrows in the Archive section (in the sidebar) to view older posts by year/month/post.
One thing I noticed is that when you click on a label (listed in the sidebar), it will show you some of the recent posts that were tagged with that label, then you have to click on a link at the bottom of the page to view older posts with that label. I'm not sure I like how that works. I mean, it can take a while to load the first page of posts containing that label. Wouldn't it be better if a visitor were able to click on the label link in the sidebar and get an enumeration of the posts that were tagged with that label, and then choose which posts to read? Oh well, this isn't a functionality I can tweak as it is a set feature of how Blogger works.
Isabelle a écrit: How long have you been studying French?
Here's my embarrassing attempt to respond in French. J'avais appris français il y a bien longtemps, dans collège. J'ai recommencé mes études il y a quelques années, néanmoins je doute que je puisse le faire bien avec mon petit.
Bets, Grace, Sarah, et al:
On se trouve le patron pour la lavette à la dentelle ici.
Lisa a écrit: Qu'est ce que c'est le mot pour "turtle"?
La tortue.
V a écrit: they are much too pretty to be for dishes or counters
I will knit you some ugly wash cloths which you should have no qualms about using...
G-Girl a écrit: A suggestion might be if you did a 3 column template as opposed to just 2 so then you could kind of balance out how your page looks.
I understand what you mean, but have no idea how to implement this. Does this involve choosing a completely new template or tweaking the existing one? I hadn't thought about a humidifier. I have one somewhere; I remember getting it for DH when he lived in NH.
Joan a écrit: Try Colloidal Silver for your lingering head cold, etc.
Where does one find this?
Bette a écrit: Would you mind if I shared this pattern on my blog?
You may link to my blog.
Ok ... have I caught up with responses? I try to respond to email & comments before the next Ice Age, but I don't always manage it...
Voilà, une version en argot du lièvre et de la tortue qui ressemble à du vieil argot parisien.
"C'est pas tout d'cavaler, faut prendre un bon départ"
Qu'elle disait la tortoche au gib'lot l'air peinard.
"Tiens! Je t'joue une thune tout sec que j'te gratte au poteau
Malgré mes p'tits panards et toi tes grands pinceaux."
"Ca va pas" qu'il lui fait, "t'as une poussière dans l'oeil.
les deux doigts dans l'tarin je t'bats dans un fauteuil".
"Que dale", qu'elle lui fait."Tiens, je t'joue l'apéro."
Tout l'trep se taille chez le book. C'est un vache de tiercé.
La tortoche dix contre contre un, c'est une drôle de pincée.
L'kangourou qui s'marrait dit "Moi j'fais le starter."
File sa pince dans sa fouille et sort son révolver.
"Vous êtes prets ?" Pan! les v'là partis,
Mais seul'ment la tortoche pasque le giblot y s'dit,
"Je suis encore loufdingue. Y'a l'bourguignon qui tape
J'partirai à la fraîche en m'tant l'grand braqué:"
Y s'étire, y s'allonge y s'vautre sur la moleskine,
Et puis pendant s'temps-là la tortoche es débine
Sans s'biler vers l'but.
Quand l'giblot y s'débine y cavale sur la piste
Mais adieu son oseille!
La tortoche sans fortune était presque au poteau
Et l'bat d'une encolure.
"Alors p'tit tête d'anchois" qu'elle lui fait,"tu gamberges?
J't'ai vachement possédé malgré mes cinquante berges.
Encore toi t'as d'la veine, t'as couru en maillot
Figure-toi qu'mezigue, j'ai ma piaule sur mon dos !"
I was hoping for an orchid, since that's what I have most of in my house...
Hahahaha... funny thing is I don't really like Chinese food all that much, usually preferring other ethnic foods instead. And I can't remember the last time I had one of those rolls (in the pic).
You Are Chinese Food |
![]() Exotic yet ordinary. People think they've had enough of you, but they're back for more in an hour. |
I actually drink a whole lot more tea than coffee...

What Kind of Coffee are You?

Which famous feline are you?

You're Hobbes. First of all, the makers of this quiz would like to congratulate you. You have our seal of approval. You are kind, intelligent, loving, and good-humoredly practical. You're proud of who you are. At the same time, you're tolerant of those who lack your clearsightedness. You're always playful, but never annoying. For these traits, you are well-loved, and with good cause.
Take this quiz!

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What mythical beast are you?

You're a pegasus. You're very calm and loving. Something about you makes others want to get close to you, whether or not you feel the same way about them. You don't bond to others easily, but when you do it's long-lasting. Your alignment is *good*, but not so much that you can't have fun.
Take this quiz!

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Well at least this one didn't seem totally off...

What Kind of Knitter Are You?

You appear to be a Knitting Adventurer. You are through those knitting growing pains and feeling more adventurous. You can follow a standard pattern if it's not too complicated and know where to go to get help. Maybe you've started to experiment with different fibers and you might be eyeing a book with a cool technique you've never tried. Perhaps you prefer to stick to other people's patterns but you are trying to challenge yourself more. Regardless of your preference, you are continually trying to grow as a knitter, and as well you should since your non-knitting friends are probably dropping some serious hints, these days.
Take this quiz!

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Your Brain is 73% Female, 27% Male |
![]() Your brain leans female You think with your heart, not your head Sweet and considerate, you are a giver But you're tough enough not to let anyone take advantage of you! |
OK, I guess that was too much input. lol. But I think I'm all caught up with all the quizzes I meant to take during the past few months...
Now that I have bored you guys --- yes, I can hear you snoring in the back! -- it's time to WAKE UP and do some knitting.... :-)
M is napping now. I bet she'll wake minutes after I pull out my knitting...
7 stitch(es):
Haha, my number 2 cat is Hobbs! From that very comic strip!
you were a quizzomaniac there lady! merci beaucoup pour le mot du jour!
Jusr wanted to say how much I LOVE your blog! From one knitter to another, just keep knitting & blogging, we ALL keep up with each other [WEFG]!
Krazi Knitter
CRAP! Ok, whatever, Quizzenstein. Don't think I've had any French since 1972, but I knew I was supposed to go "ici"! YAY me!
you'd have to select a brand new template although I'm not sure if the new blogger has 3 column templates..maybe look into it?
I took 4 years of french and I understoom most of your response back to Isabelle. yay! :)
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