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Friday, August 18, 2006

Wine Bottle & Glass Dishcloth


Here's a dishcloth with a wine bottle & wine glass pattern on it. It is one of Rainy K's patterns. This one is also slightly trapezoidal like my other dishcloths, except that it is wider at the bottom instead of the top because this dishcloth was knitted from the top down instead of bottom up.

I enjoyed working on this pattern. I'm going to knit a few more dishcloths that "go" together. So there will be this one, one of just a wine bottle, one of just a wine glass, and one of grapes. I'm thinking purple yarn for the grapes; I'll need to pick up some purple cotton yarn for this. Not sure what color to use for the wine glass or wine bottle. What would you use? I thought it would be boring to use the same color yarn is this dishcloth ... but the other yarn colors I have are pink variegated (as you have seen in my three other pink dishcloths), pine green, light blue, and this wine color.

This dischloth is also more rectangular than square. It makes me wonder how people knit a bunch of different squares and then manage to sew them all together to make an afghan. I would imagine it very challenging if all the squares were not the same size.

Yarn: Lily Sugar & Cream, Wine color
Needles: 4.5mm - US7


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