Time sink
Let's see, what's been going on in my corner of the world lately? Well, I seem to have been sucked into some Facebook games. Who knew I'd like Farm Town so much, it's quite addictive. My farm is coming along nicely, I've upgraded to the largest farm lot. I need to figure out how to arrange everything on the farm, my crops are planted in a boring square/rectangular fields. I've seen other people with very creative farms. I finally have enough neighbors to hire plowers. :-) I just reached the level where I can plant Peppers. My 4 yr old vetoes peppers and onions. She wants me to plant grapes, raspberries, and sunflowers. The other game is reminiscent of The Sims. I was addicted to The Sims many many many many years back. I haven't picked up Sims 2 yet, and they're already out with Sims 3!
Remember that little trip I took to Healdsburg? Here are a few more pictures.
This statue is dedicated to Healdsburg residents who served in various wars.

Some painted benches by the park.
And a painted wall which is very difficult to capture when there are cars parked in front of it.

What else is new? Well, we're replacing our bed with a sleigh bed, getting some bedroom furniture, thinking about getting a latex mattress, and moving stuff around to make room for the bedroom furniture. The downside of this is that most of what needs to be moved are boxes and boxes of yarn. And there really is no other place to put it.
Copyright © Smariek Knits 2005-2009. All full copyright rights are reserved by Smariek Knits.
11 stitch(es):
Yes, games and quizzes are a time sink on FB for sure! I'm resisting the call, so far. We'll see how long it lasts.
Congrats on the new furniture!
That's why I don't have a facebook page... I spend enough time on ravelry and reading blogs! It cuts into my knitting time, lol.
Have you tried storing yarn in the sleeves of winter clothes?! (I think I read that hint from the yarn harlot)
I have yet to get involved with facebook, mostly because I spend too much time on the computer as it is.
A sleigh bed sounds heavenly :)Enjoy!
I wish I had enough time to pursue all of my interests, but work & commuting really take up so much of my day. I do enjoy blogging, both reading and writing and of course my beloved knitting. It's always fun to see what you are up to, Thanks for sharing your vacation photos.
It's nice to know I'm not the only one addicted to FarmTown. hehe I like to make lots of different paterns on my farm. Love a good 4 patch. hehe
Hey, I'll store your yarn for you. LOL.
Now I have to go check out those games on Facebook. Thanks a lot! LOL.
A few years ago, we were shopping for a new bed. All I knew was that I wanted a bed with drawers underneath. I was tired of the dust bunnies living under my bed. So, when we went to the furniture store, I asked if they had any beds with drawers underneath and sure enough, there was this gorgeous sleigh bed with 4 huge drawers under it and it's gorgeous and comfortable and now we have all our linens stored right under the bed! So cool!
Enjoy your sleigh bed! It's like Christmas every night! :D
Games can be mind-sucking, can't they.
BTW, there is always room for yarn.
Facebook has seriously cut into my knitting time. I used to be into farmtown and farmville, but it keeps locking up my computer. I have been sucked into MyZoo and Mafia Wars.
Healdsburg looks like great fun!
I've been addicted to farmtown for a while. I enjoy making plots of crops and enclosing them in fences. Looks mighty neat. Oh and lots of flowers. I need to stop.
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