I'm Jean-Luc Picard
Hey, that wasn't too bad. :-) I can't quote Shakespeare, however I do like my tea, Earl Grey, hot.
Which Fantasy/SciFi Chracter are you?
Just a little corner of the world where I can share what I've been working on with family & friends ... and a few simple knitting patterns for all my readers ...
Hey, that wasn't too bad. :-) I can't quote Shakespeare, however I do like my tea, Earl Grey, hot.
Which Fantasy/SciFi Chracter are you?
Posted by
1/31/2007 11:20:00 PM
Labels: misc fun stuff
Well here's something completely different from my Heart Lace Cloth, lol. I was trying to design something with a more "solid" fabric cuz I know the dishcloth crowd likes the solid fabrics more than the lacy fabrics. So I've bee playing around with various versions of my 4 Embossed Hearts, and think the one you see below is one the versions in the running for being final one.
Whadya think?
Posted by
1/30/2007 10:10:00 AM
I really need to catch up on blog reading. I have a long list of knitting blogs which I'd like to keep up with, but find I'm always trying to catch up with all the old posts.
So I've switched over to New Blogger and like the new edit posts screen (the one where it enumerates all the published posts) and how you can easily tag them with labels. So I started to play around with the labels, adding a "free patterns" label to each of my pattern posts. After I was done, I was truly surprised to find that there were 28 free patterns on my blog. Is it really that many? I know I have them on my sidebar, however I never bothered to count them. 28 patterns since Aug 2006, that's an average of 4.6 patterns per months (over the last 6 months).
One thing I don't like is how New Blogger has changed the way the comments appear in my Gmail inbox. Comments from the same post show up as one discussion. The comments used to show up as individual email messages in Old Blogger; this made it a lot easier for me to manage which messages I want to respond to (marking those as "to respond" while filing the others away). I guess this old dog needs to learn new tricks to adapt with the new way the comment email show up in Gmail. Anyone have any tips to share?
With New Blogger you can see the number of comments for each post. This is very interesting. It is interesting to see which posts have more comments. Delurking post aside, I notice that most people were interested in my Persephone Scarf pattern post and my Heart Lace Cloth pattern post.
One thing I wish Blogger had "improved" on is not placing the "save as draft" button adjacent to the "publish" button. I can't tell you how many times I have hit the wrong button .... usually because I am in a hurry to finish up because the Boss (Miss M) is calling...
Posted by
1/30/2007 10:02:00 AM
Labels: divagation
I finally switched over to New Blogger. Well actually I've been trying for a while since they kept giving me a link to convert, but every time I tried they would punt me over to a page informing me that I could not convert yet. Well, I finally made the leap over to New Blogger and this is my first post on New Blogger. I'm glad nothing went kablooie, you just never know, and you know what they say... don't mess with it if it ain't broke. Now I just need to get acquainted with the new features...
Posted by
1/29/2007 12:39:00 PM
According to the copyright page, it was printed in 1971 Barbara G. Walker. This book was originally published as part of "A Treasury of Knitting Patterns" and "A Second Treasury of Knitting Patterns".Well, after having a chance to peruse this book along with BW1 & BW2, I have to agree with that reviewer. It contains the exact same info. Most of the patterns are even in the same order, some in a different order, but they are all there. Even the introductory text to each section is identical, they just amalgamated the intro from both books. I was hoping for some new information, new tips, new stitch patterns, new something. Now knowing that it is the exact same info as what is already contained in the other two books, I know I do not need to own a copy of this. The only possible reason I would want to get this book (maybe if I happened to find it at bargain prices somewhere) would be to have the convenience of seeing just the cable patterns all in one place, in one book.
Posted by
1/29/2007 12:37:00 PM
Labels: divagation
Posted by
1/25/2007 02:02:00 PM
1/24/07: I am relieved to hear that a 3rd person (Marit) has also successfully knitted this cloth. It looks like there is some confusion with my M1 abbreviation, which isn't "standard". I've changed the way the definition of M1 appears in the Notes section ... so that instead of being sentences in a paragraph, the steps are listed numerically. Hopefully this will make it easier to read and understand. I couldn't find an abbreviation for these steps on the Knitting Help Increase page. I could make another SWAG, but that would probably be just as confusing. ;-)
Posted by
1/23/2007 11:30:00 PM
Well I guess I'm not off to a very good start with Stash busting this year. I placed an order from Elann on 1/16 (last Tues) , so I guess I only made it as far as half the month. I didn't receive my little white box until today (Tues) by no fault of Elann. Their box arrived at its destination last Friday, as expected, but I had it delivered to DH's work and it had been sitting in his car ever since. He finally got it out of the boot this morning. I didn't find out about the box until yesterday night (Mon) when I mentioned to him that I was expecting a package from Elann. That's when he remembered and told me that he received it on Friday. I don't blame him for forgetting on Fri or Sat, since there was a big "meltdown" at his workplace ever since he walked into the office on Friday morning which bled into the weekend. But he should have remembered to tell me on Sunday.
Anyhows, it was quite a challenge to take this photo. I had to place the balls in that tray so that I could quickly move the whole set out of the way when DD tried to grab at the balls. She already grabbed at the lavender ball; you can see how it is not quite as "neat" as the other balls.
In the back row from left to right: Highland Wool in Red Maple, Higland Wool in Ruby (I loved the color of my Persephone Scarf using Highland Silk in Ruby, that I had to get the same color in HW), Highland Chunky in Red Maple, and Debbie Bliss Merino DK in Tomato.
In the front row from left to right: Debblie Bliss Merino DK in Fresh Olive, Pine Green, Cyclamen, and Lavender.
Ok, now the big question is .... where will I put all these balls? I had originally thought of them as a few balls of this color, a few balls of that color, but CBM had to go and quantify the order as 62 balls of yarn. Gosh, is it really that many? It certainly puts things in a different perspective when you're thinking of an actual number, lol.
Still haven't gotten around to renewing my snips subscription. I've gotta do that before the end of this month. This has been on my mind for a while. Things move slowly in this house...
I've had a sore throat for a week now, and it does not help that DD wants me to talk/sing/read to her. Time to go find something soothing for my throat ... something other than zinc lozenges, which work great but they leave an awful aftertaste...
Posted by
1/23/2007 11:30:00 AM
Sorry, haven't had much time to post lately... busy busy busy ... tired tired tired (it was a long week/weekend, long story, won't bore you with it) ... somebody please send me a babysitter for 3 days. I have lots on my mind but can't remember what I want to say when I finally find some time in front of the computer. I wish I could blog in my sleep. Since I have a bit of insomnia, I'm often lying in bed thinking about what I want to do. This usually includes what I want to write in my blog plus replying to email. Sometimes I do all this stuff in my head while lying in bed, and then later forget that I haven't actually done it. lol. I haven't yet decided whether writing or fiddling around with photos takes more time. I guess they're about equal. This blogging thing sure does take a lot of time! lol.
Just found out today that my MIL doesn't want to take M for 2 nights next month, but would rather try a 1 night "trial" period to see how it goes. I don't blame her, it would be the first time M will have spent the night away from home & her parents. DH & I will try to have a 1 night getaway to Carmel, CA, and return the next day to pick up M. Ok, mental note to remember to find some lodgings in Carmel for next month...
I've been thinking about using the ubiquitous Dayflower pattern for a wash cloth for some time now, and I finally got around to doing something about it. I think it is a lovely pattern, and will use it for a scarf someday. This one is done in tea rose, the color in the picture isn't true to the actual yarn color. I always have a hard time capturing true colors in my photos.
Sorry, I haven't gotten around to typing up the pattern. I do have my notes, even the "neat/legible rewrite" version which I could take a photo of and post here for you guys, but I don't think you'd find it very helpful with the kind of unconventional "shorthand" I use.
I've finished M's second hat for this winter, it's another Asherton Hat in the same light pink yarn I used for her hat last winter. Yay! That means I should be able to easily do a swaperoo, letting her play with one hat while I wash the other. M has a thing with hats. She'll often wear them when it's way too warm (nevermind that I try to reason with her to take it off), and she'll hold/drag them all over the place (protesting if anyone tries to take them away from her). I've started another Asherton Hat, in the same light pink yarn, for my Mom since she wanted another hat and decided on the Asherton. It'll be interesting when we're all out together, where M & her grandma are wearing the exact same hat in the same color. lol.
Posted by
1/22/2007 12:05:00 AM
Labels: 2007 Finished Objects, chapeaux (hats), divagation
This is International Delurking Week (hmmm... why not Intergalaxial?). Anyhows, if you read my blog but don't normally comment, why not "delurk" by adding a brief comment to let me know that you're out there? It doesn't have to be witty or prolix, just a simple "hi" or "hello" would be fine. Or you can tell me a little about yourself; I often wonder who visits my site. I promise I won't bite... ;-)
Posted by
1/16/2007 06:25:00 PM
Labels: misc fun stuff
1. More Free Patterns can be seen along the sidebar (on right side),
or you can use the Free Patterns label to view all posts.
2. Free Pseudo-Patterns or Pattern Outlines can be found using the Free Pseudo-Patterns label.
Posted by
1/15/2007 04:45:00 PM
Labels: 2007 Finished Objects, Free Patterns (Modeles Gratuits), lavettes (dishcloths)
Funny thing is that I have never knit with mohair yet. Although it is a yarn I'm somewhat interested in trying someday (oh and that bag mohair coming down the pike on Elann is tempting, but I don't need that much of it!), I don't think I'm quite ready for the sort of frustration (viz. frogging) that Mohair brings...
Posted by
1/15/2007 08:34:00 AM
Labels: misc fun stuff
I'm always surprised and delighted when I discover that other knitters have chosen to knit one of my designs. I always wonder who would be interested in such simple and poorly written patterns? (Gauge? What's that?) But I have received email with photos of my designs, and I have also seen them on other people's blogs ... so I guess somebody out there must like them. LOL.
I've decided to start a Readers' Gallery here. It's something others have suggested, but at the time I had no idea how to do that. I have a better idea now; better late than never, right? :-)
Please email me if you would like your photo and a link to your blog (if you have one) to appear here.
Posted by
1/14/2007 05:50:00 PM
Labels: My Readers' Gallery
*** Patterns are for your own personal use and may not be resold, reprinted or distributed without my prior consent. You may not post my patterns elsewhere, however you are welcome to link to or share the link to my patterns.
*** Patterns may use "unorthodox" abbreviations, please read notes section of each pattern before beginning.
Londinium Scarf - Oct 2008
Marijke Scarf - Mar 2008
Miranda Scarf - May 2007
Osiris Scarf - Sept 2007
Paquin Scarf - Feb 2008
Persephone Scarf - Nov 2006
Petra Lace Scarf - Aug 2008
Pythagorean Reversible Scarf - Oct 2007
Regina Scarf - Dec 2007
Saint Albans Valentine Cable Scarf - Oct 2008
Seeded Rib Easy Reversible Scarf - Oct 2007
Shadow Scarf - Apr 2008
Asherton Hat (adult) - Aug 2006
Asherton Hat (toddler) - Sept 2006
Cap Karma Hat - Oct 2006
Claudia Hat - Oct 2006
Chessboard Hat - Mar 2007
Jayne Cobb Hat - Nov 2007
Oblique Hat - Mar 2007
Pythagorean Hat - Oct 2007
Quinquevulnera Hat - Nov 2006
Striped Slip Stitch Hat - Nov 2006
Embossed Leaves Cloth - Mar 2008
Embossed Twining Vine Leaf Cloth - Mar 2008
KER+ Exp>+ SPM>+ Steel Bam? Syn Nov-- Cot++ Wool++ Lux++>+ Hemp? Stash+(+) Scale>+ Fin- Ent FI? Int? Tex+++ Lace+++ Felt? Flat- Circ+++ ML+++ Swatch--- KIP Blog+ EZ? FO WIP+ GaugeDK+++ GaugeW+++