Christmas Ramblings
I know I mentioned some yarn color possibilities for a Doctor Who Scarf in this post. Someone kindly commented with a place where I could get all the colors in the suggest yarn. Woo hoo! And I notice that the site also sells these "Rainbow Pride" yarn packs which look pretty cool for anyone who needs those combination of colors. So now I have to decide whether I want to use the suggested yarn for the pattern, or to try Elann's sport weight yarn.

I've since discovered that there is a new Doctor Who Scarf, worn by David Tennant. Bets mentioned seeing it a while back. I haven't seen it yet as I don't have the BBC cable channel and have to wait for it to show up on the regular SciFi channel. I couldn't find much info on the internet. No mention of the scarf, with photos. No knitting patterns for the new scarf. I only found the photo above and I assume this is the scarf Bets was referring to. OH MY! Look at how much striping is involved in this scarf!!! Imagine all the ends to weave in after it's finished!!!
Does anyone know where to find the knitting pattern for this new Doctor Who Scarf?
I just thought I'd share some book related sites I have bookmarked, which may be of interest if you're, especially if you're into mysteries.
Stop, You're Killing Me!
Liturature Map - This is kinda neato mosquito to play around with. I've seen something similar for music.
What's Next Database - This is a handy tool to find out the order of books in a series.
Euro Crime.
We were having a nice quiet Christmas at home today, until I discovered what happened at the SF Zoo today. Very sad news indeed, and nearly a year after previous mauling at the zoo. Now I'm feeling a bit apprehensive about taking Miss M to the zoo.
I made some Russian Tea Cakes, one of my favorite things to bake. They're also called Mexican Wedding Cakes and Swedish Tea Cakes. I don't care what you call them, they're still yummy goodness.
Miss M has caught on to what Christmas is about. Presents! She enjoyed opening her gifts, and helping to open everyone else's gifts too. She got the hang of ripping the wrapping paper, unlike the previous 2 years where it was slow going. She will be warm this winter with the purple (her favorite color) coat and pink vest from the inlaws. They also got her Christmas themed bowls, utensils, and bib. Mommy & Daddy got her a giant Pooh Bear that is nearly as large as her!
Santa got her the Lego Doll House set, which she really liked! I don't blame her, I wish I had Legos when I was a kid. Grandma got her a Tickle Me Elmo. She kept saying, "Elmo!" the entire time she was ripping off the wrapping. I think the moving Elmo disturbed her a bit. She kept saying, "it's too loud." She had no qualms about hugging Elmo though. I think it'll take her a little time to warm up to the talking/moving part.

Miss M & I went shopping one day, a couple weeks back, and I let her choose a Christmas ornament. The photo above shows what she chose. I think I'll start a holiday tradition of letting her choose a new ornament each year.
We thought we'd have dim sum somewhere in/around Sunnyvale, but the only place we knew of, Bamboo Garden, has disappeared. I don't know if it's temporary due to the construction around the Caltrain station. There was no forwarding info on their door, so it doesn't look like they moved to another location. :-(
I'm sure there were some other things I wanted to mention, I just can't remember what they were. I suffer from CRS, and lately I haven't really felt "awake" during the daytime.
Must go shopping tomorrow. Not for the after Christmas sales, but rather for a much more important purpose. Must pick up pull-up diapers for Miss M! The potty training is hit or miss. It will be nice to be totally free of diapers, but of course that means new challenges when we go out...
Tired now. Time for bed...
6 stitch(es):
Link above to patterns for scarf on Ravelry.
Miss M is an absolute doll! So glad you had a nice Christmas!
I'm go happy you had a wonderful Christmas :) Christmas is the best when you have a little one. Miss M is adorable. Oh, boy I would have love the lego doll house when I was little. All the lego sets are wonderful. My boys have always loved them and now and then they still bring them out to play.
Miss M looks sooooo cute with Grandma...great grand?? (Guessing wildly-I think you are about 30, that would make your mom 60 or younger, so that HAS to be great Grandma, right???)
Hoping I don't step on toes with that one.
On the Dr. Who there a sock yarn (self striping) that you could use to FAKE the Dr. Who??
The ravelry scarves appear to be all fourth doctor (Tom Baker) scarves. At Live Journal there's a group called "Who Knits" and there's another tenth doctor scarf referred to here: -- it seems to be woven but could be done in garter stitch quite effectively, I think, in fact it looks like somebody is trying:
really adorable little girl, and she totally loved her Christmas. The new scarf is great too, you really should publish a book at this point!!!
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