Making more progress...
... on this shawl. You saw the beginnings here. Here's what it looks like after the 3rd repeat:
3rd repeat: 1-14, 15-34 x 3
... and after muddling through it a little more, I completed the 4th repeat:
4th repeat, 1-14, 15-34 x4
I'm working on my 3rd hank of yarn at this point (4th repeat).
My first shawl, the red one, came out too short. I followed the instructions, knitting only 3 repeats before doing the ending (15 to 24 + edging). This time I decided I had to work more repeats. I'm just not sure how many more repeats I need. This is a different yarn so it may stretch/block differently.
How do you know when to stop?
Lots happening in my neck of the woods, unfortunately much of it is not knitting. I'm still stuck on virtual farming, although I've stopped farming as "aggressively". I'm on level 30 in Farm Town, and am in no hurry to level up.
Remember that new sleigh bed I mentioned earlier? I apparently have two big bruises, one on each upper thigh at exactly the same height as the footboard. Hmmm... I guess I bumped into it a few times while rounding the corner ... yes, while going in both directions. (Oddly, DH hasn't had any problems with banging into the footboard) Well, those bruises are the least of my problems these days. Let's just say the word corticosteroid rolls off the tongue real easy these days. I am not a happy camper. I've got a doctor's appt early tomorrow morning and I'm setting the alarm on my cell phone cuz I am not a morning person (especially these days when my problem wakes me up around 2AM like clockwork and keeps me awake).
The Little One has requested a purple Pooh Bear washcloth so she can use to "wash" her Pooh Bear. Yes, she specifically wanted it to be purple. So now I need to go find a pattern and some purple kitchen cotton yarn. I know I have lots of variegated S&C/P&C yarn and can't remember if I have any solid purple in my stash. It's been a while since I went stash diving for kitchen cotton. Since this is a knitting project of interest to the Little One, I'm sure she'll be more than happy to "help" me look for some suitable yarn. Perhaps we'll do that tomorrow after I retern from my doctor's appt. I made her an Elmo washcloth a while back which she now has folded up and calls it a "sponge". I'm not sure why the Elmo cloth is a "sponge" while she refers to the Pooh bear cloth as a "washcloth", when she knows they're both pretty much the same thing.
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