Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Bonbons et Calissons Dishcloth

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I was playing around with bobbles; this is the first time I ever made bobbles! I enjoyed working on this dishcloth, but I am still wondering ... do people make dishcloths with bobbles on them? Well, it sure does look interesting. :-) I call it Bonbons et Calissons because the bobbles make me think of bonbons, and the diamonds make me think of calissons which are a famous candy from Aix-en-Provence (visit the Béchard shop on the main strip). But if that's too difficult to remember, you can call it Bobbles in Diamonds. ;-)

Stitches used in this cloth include:
Garter Stitch, BW1 pg 10
Openwork Bobble Pattern, BW1 pg 146

Note: Pattern correction made on 10/1/2006. Can't always read my "chicken scratch" notes when transcribing into the blog.

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Bonbons et Calissons Dishcloth

© Pattern designed by S.M. Kahn, August 2006
Smariek Knits -=<>=- http://smariek.blogspot.com

Using ww kitchen cotton yarn, and US7 (4.5mm) needles, cast on 37 stitches.

Knit 6 rows.

Row 1 (RS) : K3, P1, (YO, SSK, P5, K2Tog, YO, P1) 3 times, K3
Row 2 (WS) : K4, (K1, P1, K5, P1, K2) 3 times, K3
Row 3 : K3, P1, (P1, YO, SSK, P3, K2Tog, YO, P2) 3 times, K3
Row 4 : K4, (K2, P1, K3, P1, K3) 3 times , K3
Row 5 : K3, P1, (P2, YO, SSK, P1, K2Tog, YO, P3) 3 times, K3
Row 6 : K4, (K3, P1, K1, P1, K4) 3 times, K3
Row 7 : K3, P1, (P3, YO, S2KP, YO, P3, MB) 2 times, P3, YO, S2KP, YO, P4, K3
Row 8 : K4, (K3, P3, K3, P1B) 2 times, K3, P3, K7
Row 9 : K3, P1, (P2, K2Tog, YO, P1, YO, SSK, P3) 3 times, K3
Row 10 : K4, (K2, P1, K3, P1, K3) 3 times, K3
Row 11 : K3, P1, (P1, K2Tog, YO, P3, YO, SSK, P2) 3 times, K3
Row 12 : K4, (K1, P1, K5, P1, K2) 3 times, K3
Row 13 : K3, P1, (K2Tog, YO, P5, YO, SSK, P1) 3 times, K3
Row 14 : K4, (P1, K7, P1, K1) 3 times, K3
Row 15 : K3, K2Tog, (YO, P3, MB, P3, YO, S2KP) 2 times, YO, P3, MB, P3, YO, SSK, K3
Row 16 : K3, P1, (P1, K3, P1B, K3, P2) 3 times, K3

Repeat Rows 1 to 16, twice.

Repeat Rows 1 to 6. (yes, that's not a typo; repeat to row six, not sixteen)

Knit 6 rows.

Bind off and weave ends.


This Bonbons et Calissons Dishcloth pattern is pretty easy. The only trick is minding your Yarn Overs.

K2Tog = Knit 2 stitches together

P1B = Purl 1 into back loop of stitch

SSK = Slip 1 stitch, Slip next stitch, Knit these two slipped stitches together

S2KP = Slip2 stitches, Knit 1, Pass 2 slipped stitches over the stitch just knitted

YO = Yarn over

MB = K1, YO, K1, YO, K1 into the same stitch. Turn work, P5. Turn work, K5. Turn work, P5. Turn work, SSK, K1, K2Tog. Turn work, P3Tog. Turn work. With yarn in back, slip the bobble stitch from left needle to right needle.

BTW, the picture above has a 4 row garter border instead of a 6 row garter border.


Deborah said...

that is one of the most gorgeous washcloths I've ever seen!

I do not use my 'dishcloths' for dishes, they are too precious. I only use them for gifts for and for the bath - spa cloths, as you asked about a while ago on the dishcloth KAL.

By the way, have you ever visited this site? http://dishclothfunkal.blogspot.com/

hakucho said...

Very pretty! I love the pattern :)

Anonymous said...

I think it is really pretty. I am going to add it to my collection! I am actually uisng dishcloth patterns to make a patchwork type cotton blanket. It is fun so far. I am learning lot s of stitches and am not bored...lol. Keep up the good work! Kathy in PA

midgeling said...

That is a very nice cloth! I really like it and will have to try it out. Thanks for sharing the pattern!

Anonymous said...

How long have you been studying French?

Ce dishcloth me rappelle les delicieux Calissons que j'avais l'habitude de deguster lorsque j'etais enfant... :-)

Ma Maman m'en expedie encore une boite de temps en temps...

Merci pour ce patron!

Anonymous said...

so lovely and it's a french name of bonbons... sure, i'm french!!!.... and i don't speak english o so little..; your blog is super, thank you, i have a blog too and i put your's in my favorite , my blog's name is:lalainedeghislaine.over-blog.com.

just_mer said...

I had a hat (my grandmother made many years ago)that had similar bobbles on it. Someone stole it from my daughter on our vacation to Paris, while INSIDE Notre Dame Cathedral! Now I am desperately trying to find a pattern to make a new one. Is there any way I can send you the picture to see if you have a pattern like this?

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