Sunday, December 06, 2009

Jacaranda Mitts


Four Rib Braid Mitts, 6th pair, left mitt

Can you spot the boo boo in this mitt? No? It might help to look at the 5th pair I made.

Now you see the difference!

(My jade bracelet is causing that bulge at the wrist)

It's a bit elongated. And it was totally unintentional.

If you recall, we recently replaced our dead tv and also got a Blu-ray DVD player (it came bundled with the TV). So of course I had to hunt down some Blu-ray DVDs to take advantage of this. So I got my hands on Taken and watched it while working on this mitt. Watching Liam Neeson beating up on bay guys was such a distraction that I ended up working an extra repeat of the cable pattern before starting the thumb gusset! Oopsie. I didn't realize this until I was finished with the mitt. Well I can't really complain since it doesn't look bad at all for a boo boo.

What really clued me in on the mistake was noticing how little yarn I had left when I finished the mitt. I needed a second ball of yarn to make its mate. It's a good thing I have more of this yarn. Taken was such a fun movie, I watched it again shortly afterwards. I didn't bother working on the 2nd mitt while watching it again.

Pattern: Four Rib Braid Cable Mitts
Yarn: Elann Highland Wool, Jacaranda colorway
Needles: 4.5 mm (US7)

I made some minor mods to this mitt:
-- extra pattern repeat before starting thumb
-- 3 rounds end ribbing instead of 6 rounds
-- purl bind off on thumb

Copyright © Smariek Knits 2005-2009. All full copyright rights are reserved by Smariek Knits.


Anonymous said...

gorgeous colour!

longer mitts just mean it warms more of your arm up as well :)

I am such an addict for cables.

junior_goddess said...

Isn't that a discontinued color? Good thing you had more!!!

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