Thursday, February 28, 2008

Secret Blanket Project

About 5 months ago, a bunch of us got together to knit blanket squares for one of our friends in the Elann Chat group. There have been lots of communication under the radar to plan this, and we've all been bubbling with excitement about the project but couldn't really talk about it too much openly. We agreed on a color scheme, made sure to evenly distribute the colors among the knitters so we wouldn't have too many of one color, and agreed to make the squares to a certain gauge/size to make assembly easier. Bets compiled Blankie Tales which told stories about each square, and she posted tips for a successful blanket project here. This was a fun collaborative project.

Well, we can now finally talk about the Secret Blanket Project. :-)

No need to rehash what others have already said so well. You can read the stories behind Cheryl's blanket here:

Photos of finished blanket, click to enlarge:

There are photos of each square on Trish's blog, you can click on the squares there to get a larger/better view of each them. (You can see my square here.)


Rachel said...

Wow, that's so beautiful! What a kind thing to do, and so thoughtful! I'm sure your friend will love it!

Karen said...

What a nice and thoughtful thing to do. The blanket is beautiful!

hakucho said...

Awesome blanket :)

Bluebird49 said...

It's so beautiful--and knitters are such beautiful friends!!

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