Thursday, December 20, 2007

Knitting Resolutions for 2008


I was looking back at my list of Knitting Resolutions from last year to see how well I did this year.

Weaving in ends immediately after finishing? Sometimes. Not consistent enough to say it was a success.

Learn something new? I learned how to make earflaps and a pompom(pdf) for my Jayne Cobb Hat. Does knitting my very first shawl count?

Get an early start on Christmas gifts? I suppose I did ok in that I'm not making a mad rush to finish something off on Christmas day, like I did in 2004. But I'm still not done knitting for this year. Hey, I still have a few days left before Christmas...

Get an early start on Cap Karma chemo caps? Nope. I did not do as well as last year. This year I've only managed to make one so far. I'm hoping it'll pick up after the new year.

Not great, but not terrible either. I'll just have to make a shorter list for 2008 Knitting Resolutions. Here's what I'm thinking about for 2008:

-- Shop from my Stash.
I can't can't can't buy more yarn. My stash has increased by about 1620 balls of yarn in 2007, and that's just the yarn from Elann. This is not good for someone with no income. And this doesn't count the odd balls from Jo-Ann, Michael's, or Art Fibers. For those who are planning on knitting from your stash in 2008, you might want to check out the Stash Knit Down 2008 group in Ravelry. I seem to have joined quite a number of groups in Ravelry, but never have time to read the discussions there. :-(

-- Read (catch up with) one blog per day.
This will be my FlyLady approach to keeping up with blog reading. I can't say that I'm very good with FlyLady house keeping, putting a load in the wash each morning is my one and only FlyLady success. My Google Reader tells me I have thousands of unread blog posts. How to tackle this? Baby steps. I don't have much time for blog reading, but I'm hoping that I can make this more manageable by catching up with one blog per day. Right now my blog reading method comes in spurts, so I end up reading posts from months ago.



hakucho said...

I think you did very well this past year. Don't forget your big move...anyone would have trouble keeping up with things after that.

I've got to work on my stash too...the yarns been multiplying by itself, well almost with some help from me :)

happy holidays :)

junior_goddess said...

Yeah, the move did suck up some knitting time. I'm with you on stash knit-down.

Anonymous said...

Yikes!...1620+ balls of yarn!
How do you store(ie, hide from hubby) so much yarn in your house?!
My stash ~100 balls, not even a stash by your standards.
I have a couple of skeins of Peaches 'n Cream, I think I will try that cute little dishcloth dress, thanks for posting the link :)

psmflowerlady said...

I just found your website and I LOVE it - thank you so much for providing so many patterns! You are so kind. I read about your 2008 knitting goals and I saw that you "do" Fly Lady! Me too! Well, I used to do the routines, but since it is officially 2008, I can say I still do since that is my New Year's resolution! The system really does help me keep my hectic life in some semblance of order. Regarding knitting - I'm not on Ravelry, but there is a yahoo group called A loose Knit group that is focused on getting 2008 holiday knitting accomplished throughout the year. I've never joined a group so it's all new to me, but I'm kinda excited about it! Thanks again for all your patterns! Also- your daughter is adorable! My little girl just turned 12 yesterday, but when she was little, she had a big Pooh too and LOVED it!

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