Sunday, October 07, 2007

Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey

Doh! I lost an eBay auction. Well, I guess I can't say I lost it since I never got to place my bid. Don't you just hate it when you have your eye on something on eBay, consider bidding on it over the span of several days, actually manage to get on the computer BEFORE the auction ends, but get caught up in other things and totally forget the auction until half an hour after it ended? What was I doing during that time? Trying to find a nice restaurant in Sunnyvale where DH can take his group out to a very nice lunch next week. We've recently moved to the south bay so are unfamiliar with the restaurant scene here. First pick was Le Papillon in San Jose, but there were time constraints, so that restaurant was nixed due to being too far away. It's so much easier to come up with possible restaurants to go to in San Francisco. Birks ended up being chosen for the lunch for its proximity to the office.

On the upside, we finally got internet access at the new house. It's so nice to have fast consistent internet access after not having it for nearly a month.

Still waiting for the missing camera part to arrive. I placed the order on Monday and was told it should take 3 to 5 business days. Yay, I thought that meant I would have it later in the week or early next week. Then I received a call from Fuji on Wednesday informing me of a glitch in the system where they lost my credit card info. So I gave them my CC info again and they said they would not charge for shipping. Thursday morning rolls around, another phone call from Fuji. Now what? They were missing a digit in my zip code. We cleared that up. Now I'm thinking I won't get to download photos (or charge the battery) until late next week at best.

I haven't been doing much knitting. There is something about the air and/or water in the new city I live in. My skin is very dry and yarn catches on the dry spots on my hands. Both hands are affected. The working yarn catches on the dry spot on my index finger. The work gets snagged by the dry spots on my thumbs and index fingers. This is making my knitting look like a mess. :-(


We went to Ikea to look for a "big girl" bed for Miss M. After looking at the selection, we decided that we just wanted to go with a twin size bed instead of a transitional toddler size bed. We really liked the Hemnes Twin Daybed Frame (300.803.16), and Miss M seemed so happy sitting on the demo model. She's so tiny on the bed, it was reminiscent of newborn M in her crib. Sorry, can't link to a photo of the bed, I can't find it on their website; it's on pg 139 of their 2008 catalog. It comes in white or black. DH would like a wood finish. I'm fine with white.



Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about dry skin here in SV. My hands and feet are driving me insane this last couple of weeks. All I can suggest is lots and lots of moisterizer. I'm totally in love with "body butter" for my worst spots...Can't wait for the rainy season to start. *sigh*

Tan said...

That's how eBay is. Don't blink. Don't even blink.

junior_goddess said...

Don't blink on ebay, very true. But not worth it to even bid til the last 5 minutes.

Joe B. said...

I've been trying to figure out why this post is called, "Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey?"

Is the Doctor in?

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