Saturday, July 21, 2007

Slip Cross Cable with Bobbles

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This is the cloth I made over a week ago, I've just been too busy to blog about it. I had been doing cables & lace lately and felt like doing something different, so it became a bobble cloth. I know that what I like in a dishcloth is usually not what everyone else is looking for in a dishcloth and that most people would probably think bobbles are a weird thing to have on dishcloths. I think they add an interesting texture. This is my second cloth with bobbles (Bonbons was my first) and was inspired by BW3 p73. No time right now to make a proper pattern posting with an extensive abbreviations list, PDF file, etc, so this will get filed under Pseudo-Patterns. If you need help with some of the abbreviations (like K, P, P2Tog, CO, WW, US7, * asterisks, RS, WS, CN, YO, etc), you can look at the "Notes" section of some of my other patterns, or you can just email me and ask. :-) You can make this cloth as wide or as tall as you like. To make it wider, just cast on extra stitches in multiples of 6 (viz. 6, 12, 18, etc).

Stitches used in this cloth include:
Garter Stitch, BW1 pg 10
Slip Cross Cable with Bobbles, BW3 pg73

Slip Cross Cable with Bobbles Cloth
© Designed by S.M. Kahn, July 2007
Smariek Knits -=<>=-

T5B is worked over the next 5 stitches and is done as follows:
1. Slip 4 stitches onto CN and hold in back.
2. Knit 1 (from left needle).
3. Move the Knit stitch (it's on the far right) from CN to the left needle.
4. Purl 3 from CN.
5. Knit 1 (from left needle).
Note: In Step #3, you might find it easier to move that Knit stitch from CN to your right needle, and then transfer that stitch to your left needle.

MB (Make Bobble) is done as follows:
1. (K1, YO, K1, YO, K1) into the next stitch.
2. Turn.
3. Purl 5.
4. Turn.
5. Knit 5.
6: Turn.
7. P2Tog, P1, P2Tog
8. Turn.
9. Slip 1, K2Tog, Pass slipped stitch over.

Sl1 wyib = Slip 1 stitch purlwise with yarn in back.

Sl1 wyif = Slip 1 stitch purlwise with yarn in front.

Using WW kitchen cotton yarn and US7 needles, CO 39. Knit 4 rows.

Row 1 (WS): K4, * K1, P1, K3, P1 *, K5
Row 2 (RS): K3, P2, * K1, P3, K1, P1 *, P1, K3
Row 3: K4, * K1, P1, K3, P1 *, K5
Row 4: K3, P2, * K1, P1, MB, P1, K1, P1 *, P1, K3
Row 5: K4, * K1, P1, K3, P1 *, K5
Row 6: K3, P2, * K1, P3, K1, P1 *, P1, K3
Row 7: K4, * K1, P1, K3, P1 *, K5
Row 8: K3, P2, * Sl1 wyib, P3, Sl1 wyib, P1 *, P1, K3
Row 9: K4, * K1, Sl1 wyif, K3, Sl1 wyif *, K5
Row 10: K3, P2, * T5B, P1 *, P1, K3
Row 11: K4, * K1, P1, K3, P1 *, K5
Row 12: K3, P2, * K1, P3, K1, P1 *, P1, K3

Repeat rows 1 through 12 until desired length, end on row 7. (I worked rows 1-12 three times, then worked rows 1-7)
Knit 4 rows. Bind off. Weave in ends. Block.



Anonymous said...

I love this one! I was just trying to decide what my next dishcloth would be. I know I should know this, but does this pattern include border stitches? Or does the pattern go right to the edges?

Joan said...

If the yarn used was a linen or hemp, the bobbles would make a great exfoliator.

hakucho said...

Very pretty...perfect for variegated yarn. I love it :)

Teenuh said...

That is gorgeous, I love that stitch pattern!! I so have to knit a cloth out of this pattern.


so pretty, marie....

Anonymous said...

this pattern is too pretty for just a dishcloth, LOL, I am going to make it wider and make a scarf from it. Thanks for the pattern.

Sandrajean in VA

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