Monday, April 16, 2007

Thoughts for 04/16/07

I haven't been posting semi-regularly lately due to being busy with non knitterly things. We're still busy house hunting. It's just mind boggling how expensive houses are in the San Francisco Bay Area. It looks like we really have to stretch with an uncomfortable loan if we want to get a house. The insane part is that we could probably buy a house in most other parts of the US with a minimal loan or even pay off the house completely up front. Sigh...


What do you do when you have insomnia and can't fall asleep for several hours. This often happens to me. I'll go to bed by 11:30pm at the latest, and then lie there for hours wondering when I will actually fall asleep. Do you get up to do something productive? Do you climb out of bed to go do some knitting? The last time this happened to me, I was wake until 4am!! Just kept looking at the clock... 1am, 2:40am, 3:30am ... ugh. I probably should have gotten up and made some knitting progress.

I suppose I could get out of bed and sort through my email. I get a lot of spam. Sometimes they get automagically filed into the Junk/Spam folder, while other times I have to weed through them in my Inbox. Would you believe that I even get spam in French??? Very strange... you'd think that living in San Francisco, people would spam me in Spanish before any other non-English language. Oh and sometimes I get legitimate email misfiled into the Junk/Spam folder; Sometimes I catch it, but I think most of the time I miss those messages.

Or perhaps I can read a book during that time. I did finally finish a book I started last August ("For the Sake of Elena" by Elizabeth George). I had been reading it on and off since then. Yes, everything happens very slowly in this house. I've sort of started "Payment in Blood" by Elizabeth George and "Ice House" by Minette Walters. Do you think I'll finish one or both of these by December?

On the TV front, besides the usual "crap" I watch with DH, I've been slowly working through my crap. I've caught up in Rosemary & Thyme (great program to knit to, and I always think of CBM while watching it cuz she's the one who told me about this wonderful program). I'm working through the latter half of "Island at War" on Masterpiece Theatre. I started "Wind in the Willows" that was on Masterpiece Theatre, but just couldn't get into it. Looking forward to more Inspector Lynley Mysteries on Mystery!, hopefully they'll show more before I have a full head of grey hair. DH & I still have all of this season's Battlestar Gallactica to work through. Poor Tivo is running out of space, but I am hoping to record the new Doctor Who since they've started over with the first episode. Fun fun fun...


Yay, I'm rich! Well, only virtually. I was playing around with the Salary.Com SAHM salary wizard which makes adjustments for your location and job specifics, and it tells me I should be making $185,855. More details here.


I've been experiencing a weird Blogger quirk and I wonder if anybody else experiences it too. When I press the "Page Down" button, it dumps me to the bottom of the blog page instead of paging down just a little bit. The "Page Down" button works fine on other websites, so it's just a Blogger thing for me. The "Page Up" button will take me all the way to the top of the blog page. This quick really bugs me!

I finally upgraded my other blog, and now need to fix a few things. All my links in the side bar disappeared. Oh well, I had been meaning to update it anyways.

Then I was looking at the sidebar of this blog and noticed that I had 35 entries under "Free Patterns" and 3 entries under "Pseudo-Pattern". How did a few patterns here and a few patterns there add up to 35 plus 3? I didn't realize there were so many...

Now I wonder what visitors to my blog come for. Is it hat patterns? scarf patterns? or wash cloth patterns?

Anyhowz, you might be wondering what that stuff is in the photos above. The green thing is my Georgiana Scarf knitted with Berroco Air. Yes, that's what I came up with after terrorizing my first ball of Air. It was knitted in two halves then grafted so the leaf pattern shows up right side up on both ends. That was my first time doing the kitchener stitch! See? I can learn something new. :-) The scarf is unblocked. I haven't yet figured out where to block it. Before M was crawling/walking, I used to block stuff on large towels on the floor. I can't quite do that anymore unless I want my knitting dragged around all over the house.

The cloth is supposed to be a Teddy Bear, but I'm thinking in looks more like a Grizzly Bear, lol. I knitted this wine colored one first. I don't know why but I was compelled to knit one in brown after fishing in my cotton stash and finding one lonely ball of brown yarn. I guess it's similar to how I was compelled to knit my Turtle cloths in green. I haven't gotten around to taking a pic of the brown one, but it looks just like the wine colored one.

The upside is that I took these pics in the daytime, so the colors are a little more true. Those nighttime shots really skew the colors. The downside is that M was trying to grab them before I could take a pic. You can see her little hand in one of the photos. The scarf photo is quite a bit out of focus, but it was the better one out of the two pics I took. Need a camera with faster focusing...




g-girl said...

I think knitting/reading when you can't sleep should help..tea maybe? You could also have a sandwich. I forgot where I heard this..not a blt kind of sandwich but toast and jam. I used to have a bagle and apple jelly before going to bed and that helped. as for all your spam..maybe the french spam is sent via your blog because you've got stuff in french. housing in SF...I couldn't even imagine being able to afford one there myself. Are you guys willing to move outside of SF or is it still too hight? It's been a while since I've lived there.
I used to come to your blog for the dishcloth patterns..then I sort of 'grew out' of those and now I look forward to the scarf patterns--and just reading your entries really! :)

Sarah O G said...

I heard on the radio(, there is a new book called Sleep, it was talked about on the Kevyyn Berger show I believe, any who, the author said you should get up do something for about 20 minutes and then try and lay down again. If you just stay there worrying about sleeping you wont. Good Luck and sweet dreams :D

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