Saturday, October 01, 2005

Frog it. Frog it.

The width and error in my second Branching Out scarf bugged me so much that I had to frog it. I was surprised how the yarn "stuck" at certain places and I had to pry it apart. (This gave me an idea of how and why it is a pain to frog mohair; I've never knit with mohair before.) Rewinding fingerling weight yarn is tedious, although it goes by faster while watching CSI Las Vegas ("Room Service", it was a ho hum episode).

This time I cast on with size US8 (5mm) needles with the hopes that the edge will be wider & looser, so that I can easily stretch it to width during blocking. I suppose this means I should bind off using the larger needles also.

Nothing to show really since I have only knitted 8 rows so far.

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