Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Started my first shawl

Here is the beginning of my Flower Basket Shawl. I have completed about 2 repeats. Unfortunately this picture doesn't really show off the pattern; I didn't have anyone handy to stretch out & hold the kniting while I took the picture. It's coming along nicely so far, except for that odd brobdingnagian YO hole ... it's the one along the top edge, about 3 baskets to the right of the Center Stitch. I have no idea how this YO became so much larger than all the rest. I'm hoping that this gaping hole will sort itself out when I wash & block the shawl. I am using Baby Cashmere yarn in Peacock color.

This is my largest & most complex project so far. It requires a lot of uninterrupted time so I can concentrate on it, so I'm making very slow progress. I'm hoping to finish this before the end of the year.
I can't get over how this shawl is worked upside-down. I always have to turn it around to look at the pattern. And I think this upside-down-ness makes it more difficult for me to "read" and anticipate the next patteern stitches while I'm knitting it.

I have found that using stitch markers and lifelines have saved my sanity. I have not had to rip back as frequently since implementing these two aids. It is a tremendous help to put markers between each 10-stitch repeat. All I need to do is count the stitches at the end of each repeat & fix any probs before moving on to the next repeat. I also count my stitches when I reach the end of the row, making sure there are the same number of stitches on either side of the Center Stitch. And I have since learned to pick up missed YOs while purling across the next row; that is such a neato mosquito trick! Would you believe I used to knit backwards to the point where I made my boo boo? I am also no longer getting my knitting caught up through my stitch markers. Switching to split-ring markers has helped. :)

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