Friday, January 02, 2009

FFI 105


1. The world is abundant with life.

2. Night night (to DD for her afternoon nap) was the last thing I said.

3. I wonder when Y will come to their senses and stop encouraging illegal activity.

4. Love is at the end of all things.

5. There's something to be said for manners and common courtesy.

6. Kauai is where I want to be.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to making some progress on L's scarf and a small dent in Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, tomorrow my plans include leaving Monterey and heading home and Sunday, I want to veg & knit, after catching up with laundry & misc housework!

OMG, I can't believe I'm actually getting to this on a Friday! It's cloudy, overcast, drizzling, and/or raining here in Monterey. Still not bad at all, a change of scenery is always nice and Missy is having fun. She loves driving through the tunnel on Del Monte cuz it makes her think of any tunnels in her Dora books. And every time we cross some type of bridge, we're going over the "troll bridge" (also from the Dora books/cartoon). Had a nice little walk in Carmel despite the drizzle, and enjoyed some really good cocoa at the coffee/cocoa place at the mall off of Junipero/Ocean. Sharffenberger dark chocolate cocoa, mmmm!
Copyright © Smariek Knits 2005-2009. All full copyright rights are reserved by Smariek Knits.



Literary Feline said...

I wish it would rain a little more out my way. We could sure use it. I enjoyed reading your answers for Friday Fill-Ins. Kauai certainly would be a nice place to be right now! :-) Have a great week.

Florinda said...

I definitely agree with your #5.

You live in Monterey? I'm envious. I love the Monterey/Carmel area.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

Aunt Kathy said...

Ha and all day today I thought it was Saturday...

oh and how do you get your daughter to take a nap... Adam is napless around here, much to my dismay, LOL

Sherrie said...

Great Fill-In's! Hope you have a safe trip home, enjoy your knitting! Thanks for stopping by my place.


Jean said...

Monterey and Carmel are among my favorite place to visit, I especially like Pacific Grove and would love to stay at the Gosby house. All those beautiful Victorian homes. Sounds like a great time for you and Miss M.

Diana_CT said...

My nephew's daughters are in to Dora, they all Dora the books and movies.

Thanks for stopping by my FFI

Janet said...

I wouldn't mind being in Kauai either :-) Thanks for playing, enjoy your weekend and Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

I love Monterey.

#5 right on.

Anonymous said...

I used to live in Monterey and could see/walk to the beach from my house. I felt so at peace with myself and the world when I lived there. It's truly one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen!

Staci said...

#6 sounds wonderful right now especially because I live in Michigan, there's snow on the ground, freezing rain in the air, and the temperature is 23!!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog!!

K Dubs said...

Great fill ins :) Boston has a great Chinatown, and the "American" Chinese places are pretty good, too. Here in Michigan? Not so much. No boneless spareribs, no beef teriyaki, stuff like that. :( I've been to SF/Bay area and there are some fabulous places there! Thanks for stopping by!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by! Hope you enjoy your knitting this weekend.

Radu Butarascu said...

Angie loves when I drive fast through large water puddles and water splashes every where. Some roads around here get semi-flooded and we raise a huge geiser as we drive through. Yes, it is SAFE! :)

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