Thursday, November 27, 2008

KnitPicks Plunge

Related post:
26 Nov 2008 post

I finally took the KnitPicks plunge after wrestling with three 2.75 mm (US2) curly cord 29 to 32 inch circular needles on these mitts I'm trying to make. The long curly cords were driving me nuts as the fingerling yarn got tangled up. So I placed my first KP order today: Metal DPN set, 4.5 mm Harmony DPN, 2 Nancy's KnitKnack's needle gauges, KP Options set. I've never tried their needles before. I hope I like them! It took me some time to decide which DPNs to get, metal vs Harmony wood, and I ultimately chose the metal ones thinking they were safer from breakage while I have a toddler in the house who flops around everywhere. Can't wait for my order to arrive...

I took 7 photos using various camera settings to try to get that DOF working. Still no significant differences. I did manage to get the aperture to come up on one photo as f/4.3 instead of the f/2.8 in all the photos from yesterday. I think it might have something to do with turning on Macro and stepping back and zooming in.

Aperture: f/4.3
Shutter Speed: 1/28 sec
Macro Mode: On
Photo possibly zoomed in

This photo shows the mitts I'm making. Yeah, not much progress, only 6 rounds I think. It's definitely too big around my wrist. I will have to frog and start over and do some K1P1 ribbing to tighten that up. Or maybe I'll cast on 4 fewer stitches, then increase after the wrist section.

Not much knitting going on Chez Smariek. The little one was sick for a while but is recovering now, and of course I caught it too and have been sick for a week. I'm recovering now. What invariably happen when I get sick and have a tendency to use lots of tissues is that I end up washing my hands A LOT (after each tissue use, I'm just anal that way) which results in dry fingers, which leads no less knitting because I hate when yarn snags.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Thanksgiving. It's time to go make some lunch, and then think about getting my little turkey into the oven.

Copyright © Smariek Knits 2005-2008. All full copyright rights are reserved by Smariek Knits



Chris said...

Happy Thanksgiving. Glad you are all on the road to recovery--and BTW you will love the needles.

pdxknitterati/MicheleLB said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm intrigued by your camera experiments, and may have to try some of them myself. Next week!

erasmus (aka jiva) said...

when my hands are dry and sore like that I dip yeah, the whole hand through a tub of moisturiser and stick on a pair of cotton gloves until I cant stand wearing them any more. Usually just before bed, and thrown off in the night around 2am

Virtuous said...

Yay!! You took the KnitPick plunge! I am actually a Harmony gurl over here, but either way you will LURVE them!!

I am assuming you are feeling better over there, gurl I have ezcema so the best thing on my hands (other than vaseline) this year has been Gold Bond lotion!

Can't wait to see your mitten grow!

Hope your THANKSgiving was blessed!

Debbie said...

Wishing you a belated Happy Thanksgiving. I was actually thinking of you this week and wanted to let you know that Brooklyntweed wrote an excellent post about photographing knits, look in his archives when you get a chance at, also, "The Inside Loop" had an article in their issue released this month about the same thing. I thought they both might be of interest to you.

Jean said...

So far I really like the knitting needles I bought from KnitPicks, they are the Harmony circular ones, I will be interested in seeing what you think of their metal ones. Try to get as much rest as you can (can be difficult with a little one around).

Georgi said...

I love my KnitPicks Options, though I have the nickel plated set. They are great and now I almost always have a size that I can use. I have never had one fall apart, I think they are great.

BTW, you won the contest for the most posts :-) congrats.

Anonymous said...

I recently was gifted some KnitPicks... and I'm in love!

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