Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Vest Sections Done, Yay!

Mom's vest, front sections
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands.
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands.
If you're happy and you know it, and you really wanna show it,
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands.

Miss M used to sing this all the time. I am clapping my hands. And although I haven't finished mom's vest, I can tell you that I am extremely happy about finishing the Right Front section. Finally!

I actually miscalculated how far I needed to rip back. It's not where the lifeline is pictured in my last post about the vest. I had to rip back to the block before it, another 20 rows back.

Mom's vest, all three pieces together

Here are the three pieces side-by-side. There's Miss M on the left, always eager to "help" when I'm trying to take photos. I'm glad that the Left Front and Right Front sections aren't terribly different from each other. I was afraid one might be much larger than the other.

Front sections placed on top of Back section

The photo above shows the front sections placed on top of the back section. (Miss M thought her butterfly piece enhanced the photo) It looks like they'll fit together OK. The only thing I'm worried about now is whether the vest is long enough. It seems a bit short. I wonder whether I should block these three pieces before I sew the shoulder seam.

I was thinking of possibly blocking the vest after I finish it. I still have to knit the band around the arm holes, and the band that goes up the front and around the neck. I'm not sure how this would work out if the vest sections were blocked and then I knit the (unblocked) band.

I will need to put in 5(?) button holes while knitting the front band. I have to figure out how to space them out and where they'll go. And then comes the fun part of shopping for buttons.


I did recently finish a little something. Unfortunately I can't blog about it until next month. Well, I probably can because it is going to someone who doesn't usually read my blog. I'm still gonna wait. All I'll tell you is that it is rubescent and has just a few cables in it.


V brought back lots of neat stuff from her recent trip to Shanghai and Hong Kong. The necklace in the photo above is one of them. She tells me that the red stone is coral. You can read about her trip on Pixels from the Orient, and see all the photos from Shanghai here and photos from Hong Kong here.

So that small square transparent plastic thing (seen here) is a stand for the iPod Touch. I don't see myself using it much so this piece will most likely get lost. The mystery white piece is for use with a docking station. I don't have one of those, so this little white piece will just follow the little clear piece into some black hole in our house.

I really like using my iPod Touch. I use it for listening to music and audio books. It's cool to be able to web surf but it is sooooo sloooooow, and has its quirks.

I love the no frills sock I made for the iPod. I just realized that I should knit one for my digital camera too. I've been throwing my camera into my purse lately and just yesterday noticed that the LCD is slightly scratched.


Ok, it's time for me to figure out what to give the guv for dinner...

She's been having a bout of diarrhea since Friday, and everything got worse on Monday when there were cries/tears of pain while using the potty. I could tell they were real cries of pain and not the cries of fussiness. Otherwise, there were tummy pains and complaints of it being itchy down there. There's definitely lots of discomfort, I could tell from how she sometimes walked and how she even refused to climb up onto her car seat.

I was very worried until I managed to get a same day appt with her pediatrician. I was wondering whether this had anything to do with the salmonella scare in tomatoes (affecting Roma, plum, and round tomatoes) that has recently been in the news. We have been eating lots of salads lately. From the news articles I've read, tomatoes "on the vine" are safe. And a more recent news article says California grown tomatoes are safe. I had 2 different batches of Roma tomatoes on the vine. One box says "grown in USA" and the other says "product of Canada". I wasn't sure whether either were safe, so I'm tossing the lot. The other thing on my mind was a possibility of Urinary Tract Infection.

The visit to the pediatrician was somewhat reassuring. We were advised to try some ointments, and also try eating or avoiding certain foods. Another thing we had to do was take a urine sample. I know it sounds like a simple task, but try asking a 3 yr old to pee in a cup! lol. DH & I managed it though. We received negative results yesterday. We're still waiting on "culture" results. Not sure what that is about. Anyhow, I'll take the negative.

So one of the things we're to do is follow a BRAT diet. BRAT = bananas, rice, applesauce, toast. Crackers, soup, and noodles without sauce is also OK. Yogurt is ok, otherwise avoid dairy. Soy or lactose free milk is OK. Increase fluids. Now that is a challenging one with Miss M. Cranberry juice was given the OK, and Miss M seems to like it.

I think I'll give her chicken noodle soup, with some added rice.

We applied 1% clotrimazole on her and things seem to be improving. Vitamin A&D ointment, Aquaphor, or Vaseline was also recommended. Well I already have Aquaphor (great stuff!). The Vitamin A&D is just diaper rash cream. I decided to use what we have at home, Desitin in the original 40% zinc oxide flavor.

On the upside, Miss M napped yesterday and today. She did not nap on Monday, which was the reason why I couldn't finish my little red cable project (mentioned above) until yesterday.



Georgi said...

I am glad Miss M is feeling a little better, it is very hard when our children don’t feel well, we just want to make them feel better. Also- congrats on the vest sections, doesn’t it feel great??
I want to thank you for leaving you comment on my blog about responding to comments, it helps to know how other people are responding.

Rachel said...

Hope she feels better soon! It's so hard on us when the little ones aren't feeling well - I think I'd rather be sick myself than see them sick.

hakucho said...

Yay! The vest in=s on the road to completion. Good luck with the buttonholes :)

Hope Miss M will be feeling better real soon!

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