Monday, June 23, 2008

Secret Project

Secret Project

Pattern: Hera Cable Scarf (link to chart here)
Yarn: Elann Highland Wool, Red Maple color
Needles: 4.0 mm (US6)

Do you remember that secret project I hinted about earlier, which I mentioned here and then showed you what the design looked like here when I gave you a sneak peak at my latest cable scarf pattern? I was going to wait a couple more weeks before I show you this and give you the details. However seeing that others have blogged their photos of the secret project without mentioning specifics, I guess this means I can show mine now and talk about it in more detail later.

So stay tuned for more details...


Little progress on the knitting front over here. We've had a heat wave and the last thing I want is wool on my lap.

Saturday was the absolute worse. I think the forecast was in the high 90s. When I left the library at 12:45 PM and got into my car, the display told me it was 108ºF outside. It was probably a little lower than that. Regardless of what the exact number was, it is still honking hot!!!

It is much more bearable today. Miss M was thrilled that we could go to the park. The slide wasn't unbearably hot. There was a nice cool breeze. It was comfortable.



Acornbud said...

Very pretty. I love all the cably goodness!

Cindy said...

The scarf is lovely, but it looks wooly and hot. I feel like all I do is whine about the weather. Too cold, too hot, too rainy, too dry. Whine. Whine. Whine.

Cindy G said...

Oooh, pretty! (Can't imagine trying to knit wool in those temps.)

Anonymous said...

Love, love LOVE it! That's all I'm going to say!!!!

Claudia said...

oh those cables are gorgeous! I love knitting cables. I have to concentrate a lot but once finished I always loved the finished product so much. And your work is always so beautiful.

And thank you so much for all your good thoughts and prayers during my dealings with cancer. You're someone I have admired for such a long time now and to know that you've been thinking of me so much really humbles me and makes me smile. *hugs*

hakucho said...

Your secret project is looking very pretty...I wonder what you are you to?

Hope you can get some relief from the heat...thinking cool thoughts for you :)

Georgi said...

I love the cables on your secret project, very pretty.
You won the sock yarn on my blogoversary contest. Please conact me at glwellington at yahoo dot com with your mailing information so I can send it to you. Thank you for playing

Anonymous said...

Hi Sweetie!! Check out my blog I have something there for you ;-)


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