Thursday, February 07, 2008

One or Two?

Since moving to Sunnyvale, I haven't quite gotten around to picking out new doctors in the new area. I've only managed to locate a dermatologist (2 of them in fact, when the first turned out to be "out of network", yet she is still listed on the health care company's doctor search web page as "in network"). And I managed to line up a pediatrician for Miss M's 3 yr appt.

Well, I took this little home test tonight and here are the results. There is one very strong line and another less prominent one. I did miss something and I am feeling a bit "off". I guess I better hurry up and find a doctor in the Sunnyvale area just to confirm things...



Unknown said...

That looks like a positive to me! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Definitely TWO lines! Congratulations!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

No doubt about it... defiantly 2 lines! Congrats! ~Shain

Chris said...

Congratulations!!! So excited for you!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's exciting!

Good luck with the doctor.


Michelle said...


Rachel said...

Congratulations! I hope you're able to find a wonderful doctor in your area!

hakucho said...

You must be very excited...congratulations :)
Do I see lots of "wee" knitting in your future?

Kathleen B. said...

Congratulations! Yes, it looks like you have the extra line on the left. You can always do another test :-) and start knitting for your new addition. What a lovely blessing in this new year! Happy new year!

Karen said...

That's great! Congratulations!

Claudia said...

Congratulations!!!! This is great!

And by the way! I've tagged you for The Power of 7! You can see it here: Click Here

It's a kind of "getting to know you" for your blog. :)

Grace said...

goodnews for a change Go YOU!!!

Ursula said...


Daryl said...

congratulations. Very exciting news. daryl

Teresa said...

How exciting. Congratulations.

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