Tuesday, September 18, 2007

We've moved!


We've been busy lately but have finally moved into our new house. Yay!! But the fun isn't over yet. We still have to some cleaning up, fixing up, and unpacking to do. Unfortunately, there will be no photos for a while. We lost or misplaced the camera somewhere between houses. We're still hoping it will turn up as we unpack more boxes.

The Good:
-- I like the layout of the house.
-- I like being on a cul-de-sac. It doesn't feel like a cul-de-sac because it's a longish one, and we're halfway down the block before you get to the end. So you get a regular block feel without the heavy through traffic.
-- Living on one level. It is so nice to be able to do laundry without having to go up or down any stairs. This is a very refreshing change for me and it makes doing laundry less of a chore. Oh my, did I actually say that?
-- Miss M can't be woken up by any lights in our bedroom. In the old house, she could see the light from our bedroom because both rooms had frosted glass doors that led to a shared "sunroom".
-- I like having a dishwasher, although I don't actually use it to wash dishes. It's pretty much an oversize dish rack. I've never had a dishwasher before, so I'm used to hand washing. However is is nice to have plenty of space to place clean dishes after hand washing.

The Bad:
-- Bugs, bugs, bugs!!! Bugs everywhere! The few daddy long legs hanging around don't bother me anymore. The pantry moths don't bother me as much anymore, although they are a minor annoyance; we didn't have these at the old house. What really bugs me are the itty bitty "pinpoint" bugs (sorry, don't know what they're called) that show up primarily in the hall bath, but a few have also found their way into the master bath. We suspect they're coming in from outside through the exterior door that leads from the hall bath to the back yard. We've added some stripping to the bottom of the door to seal the big gap there and it seemed to help some. Plus, I really hate to admit this, I sprayed some ant/roach spray in the bathroom cuz it was just bugging me that there were so many of these bugs crawling on the floor! I try to keep Miss M out of the hall bath since I don't want her exposed to all that toxic chemically stuff.
-- The raking. OMG, there is so much raking. I lived in the city before, didn't have big trees, so this is a new thing for me. We moved into the house 3 months after getting the keys, so the yard had been neglected all this time. I guess not watering the lawn/tree might have contributed to our poor looking tree outside the house. It is a BIG tree, with branches overhanging our house.
-- We don't have internet access yet, so am using a borrowed connection.


1 comment:

hakucho said...

Yay...good luck getting settled!

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