Thursday, August 16, 2007

Booking Through Thursday

Here's this week's question...


One book at a time? Or more than one? If more, are they different types/genres? Or similar?

(We’re talking recreational reading, here—books for work or school don’t really count since they’re not optional.)

Oh gosh, I don't think I could read two books at the same time (not even before I had a baby, lol). I need to concentrate on one. However there was a brief period recently when I was listening to an audio book (A Place of Hiding by Elizabeth George) and reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows at the same time.

Right now I'm listening to The Art of Detection by Laurie R King, it's my introduction to this author. I don't see how I could ever find the time to read/listen to another book at the same time.

I used to do much of my reading during my commute. Ever since I quit my job and had a baby, I have had limited time for pleasure reading. I've only recently gotten into audio books, trying it out to see if it would work out better for my current situation. It's not exactly a replacement for reading, but I do like being able to kill two birds with one stone ... listen to an audio book while knitting. I know that there are people who can read a book and knit simultaneously. I'm definitely not one of them.



dancechica said...

When I discovered audio books, I couldn't believe what I'd been missing. I'd shied away from them for the longest because I thought I wouldn't be able to concentrate on them--I thought I'd simply tune them out--but they actually made my commute to work and other places less stressful. I really enjoy them.

Kat said...

Haven't really tried audio books because I'd rather savor the reading myself :D E-books I did try though. But I'm pretty much monogamous when it comes to my books :D

Renay said...

Audiobooks! That's even better then multiple-cross-genre-reading, that's cross-media reading and I didn't think of that at all.

I have sampled a few audiobooks I liked, the most recent (and I guess by recent I mean uh, January) being World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War. I liked it because the novel was told in first-person accounts, which worked well. Actual novels are kind of hit and miss. I liked what I listened to of Bridge to Terabithia, but then I tried The Gunslinger by Stephen King and the voice acting kept making me laugh and roll around from the silliness of it all. It seems that's mostly what keeps me from getting into audiobooks--the voices.

Also, how in the world does someone knit AND read a book at the same time. I--I'm a little boggled and can't manage to picture that at all!

Crafty Green Poet said...

I've never tried an audio book, but I guess they are great for allowing multi tasking. I can't knit, much though my mother tried to teach me!

Marianne Arkins said...

I can only listen to audio books in the car... any other time, I get antsy to do something else. But, I am capable of splitting my attention between books.

Happy BTT! Mine's up here.

Mei said...

I love audio books for long driving trips; I first started using them when I had a long commute. That's how I "read" Pride and Prejudice (I probably wouldn't have gotten through it otherwise).

teabird said...

Audio books are my newest passion - they let me read while I drive! Now I'm listening to Persuasion in the car... nothing like Jane Austen for a good driving companion.

Stephanie said...

I have never really gotten into audio books. I don't have a long commute to work, and I'm not in a car for long periods of time. With 3 kids running around, I have a hard enough time reading a book without trying to hide from them with my headphones!!

Besides, I think I actually prefer picking up a real book!

Great answer and happy Thursday!

den said...

Wow! I should start with audio books, but I agree that I might now enjoy it as much as actually reading. Happy Thursday!

Mine's up here.

Chris said...

Audio books sound like a good way to 'read' more than one.

Anonymous said...

Whooo... I can't imagine trying to read and knit at the same time! Even with an audiobook that would be tough. Of course, I never did all that much knitting, so maybe if I'd hit the point where it came more naturally...

I'm glad audiobooks have given you a way to catch up on some books!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I know EXACTLY what you mean about Wolfe. You slolum down the road there...just becuase someone wanted streetside parking. *rolls eyes* I absolutely hate it...
Anne @

Mary said...

I used to have a really long commute (85 miles each way) and audiobooks saved me. Then I started flying a lot for business travel and did a lot of reading. Now that I've been working from home a lot lately, I don't read or listen to books much, except non-fiction (knitting pattern books, etc.) I have to get away from all the distractions of my house to read fiction.

That being said, I usually have several (okay, a lot of) books going at once, to suit my mood. Sorta like knitting projects. ;-)

Julia said...

I never tried audiobooks, but than I don't think I will be able to 'cause of personal problem. But if given the options, I might try audiobooks.

I would love my hand with knitting. A friend of mine have started on knitting and have made one for me as gift. Also I have seen many of her knitting, and it turn out great! Like few other, I can not imagine how someone can knit and read at the same time, unless they talking about audiobooks and knitting at same time :)

I enjoy visiting your blog :)

Anonymous said...

I want to learn to crochet and I'm thinking audio books would be a good way to have the best of both worlds. Happy BTT!

Melody said...

I don't mind reading two books at the same time, as long as they're different genres, hehe. I've never tried audio books definitely sound interesting to me!

Happy reading!

Anonymous said...

I love audio books too, although haven't listened in awhile.

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