Thursday, July 26, 2007

Booking Through Thursday

Here's this week's question:

Who’s the worst fictional villain you can think of? As in, the one you hate the most, find the most evil, are happiest to see defeated? Not the cardboard, two-dimensional variety, but the most deliciously-written, most entertaining, best villain? Not necessarily the most “evil,” so much as the best-conceived on the part of the author…oh, you know what I mean!
There are so many possibilities, it's hard to decide on one, however the first person to come to mind is Hannibal Lecter. It's been a long time since I read Red Dragon, Silence of the Lambs, and Hannibal. One of these days I'll get around to reading Hannibal Rising.


1 comment:

Literary Feline said...

Hannibal made my list too. I haven't really felt the desire to read Hannibal Rising. I was disappointed in Hannibal, and I suppose that could be why. Still, Hannibal himself is quite the evil character!

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