Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Mmmmm..... yarn!

Well I guess I'm not off to a very good start with Stash busting this year. I placed an order from Elann on 1/16 (last Tues) , so I guess I only made it as far as half the month. I didn't receive my little white box until today (Tues) by no fault of Elann. Their box arrived at its destination last Friday, as expected, but I had it delivered to DH's work and it had been sitting in his car ever since. He finally got it out of the boot this morning. I didn't find out about the box until yesterday night (Mon) when I mentioned to him that I was expecting a package from Elann. That's when he remembered and told me that he received it on Friday. I don't blame him for forgetting on Fri or Sat, since there was a big "meltdown" at his workplace ever since he walked into the office on Friday morning which bled into the weekend. But he should have remembered to tell me on Sunday.

Anyhows, it was quite a challenge to take this photo. I had to place the balls in that tray so that I could quickly move the whole set out of the way when DD tried to grab at the balls. She already grabbed at the lavender ball; you can see how it is not quite as "neat" as the other balls.

In the back row from left to right: Highland Wool in Red Maple, Higland Wool in Ruby (I loved the color of my Persephone Scarf using Highland Silk in Ruby, that I had to get the same color in HW), Highland Chunky in Red Maple, and Debbie Bliss Merino DK in Tomato.

In the front row from left to right: Debblie Bliss Merino DK in Fresh Olive, Pine Green, Cyclamen, and Lavender.

Ok, now the big question is .... where will I put all these balls? I had originally thought of them as a few balls of this color, a few balls of that color, but CBM had to go and quantify the order as 62 balls of yarn. Gosh, is it really that many? It certainly puts things in a different perspective when you're thinking of an actual number, lol.

Still haven't gotten around to renewing my snips subscription. I've gotta do that before the end of this month. This has been on my mind for a while. Things move slowly in this house...

I've had a sore throat for a week now, and it does not help that DD wants me to talk/sing/read to her. Time to go find something soothing for my throat ... something other than zinc lozenges, which work great but they leave an awful aftertaste...



Anonymous said...

I originally ordered 20 of tomato and 9 of pinegreen, I am selling 9 tomatoe to Vamanta, and today I ordered 10 goldenrod and 10 cyclamen. I ordered Devon in the ruby! I have a huge armoire as my yarn storage facility but right now you can only open one door or the floor will be covered in yarn spillage

CatBookMom said...

Marie, the colors look wonderful, arrayed like that. Yum! The pine green is even prettier than it was at Elann's site. Just got an email from WEBS about new closeouts; drat those yarn tempters!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you need a nice cup of tea with plenty of honey and a little bit of lemon.

Hope you are feeling better soon.


Hope you feel better soon! So you can write up that pattern hehehehe! Just kidding! :)

The yarns are lovely and make me want to dash over to Elann for a lookie-loo!

I am knitting from the stash, but, as they say, if I stop looking, I must be dead!

Joan said...

Jeez, woman, I hope you left me some red maple! BTW I would have beaten my DH silly if he "forgot" he was holding an elann box for me! You are one understanding gal. ;-)

V. said...

OMG - you've gone over the edge. You need to stop by and see my stamp room before you buy anymore stuff.....

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