Tuesday, January 09, 2007


DH is so funny. He thinks I should call my Parallelograms Cloth "slanted diamonds" instead. He says "parallelograms" is too hard to say. He said nobody would want to say, "I have the parallelograms pattern," and to try saying that 3 times really fast.

Well, I'm playing around with circles. Here's a sneak peak at what I'm thinking about...

Yeah, I know they don't really look much like circles in this picture. It's still on needles and hasn't been blocked yet. I haven't decided what I wanted to do. I might just scrap this one...



Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your patterns. They are so beautiful. I passed your link on to the Caps For A Cure Group. They knit caps for chemotherapy patients. I hope you don't mind, I know they would love to get some new and different cap patterns. Thanks again! You are so talented.

Anonymous said...

Wagon wheels, right?


Anonymous said...

Always beautiful things here, when I come for a visit.

Anonymous said...

Hey, how about those Swiss Cheese socks that were in Knitters (I think, or IWK) in 2001? I realize they were published before you started knitting, but it's a pretty easy concept....just random holes. That will give your husband something to chew on-is it low-fat Swiss, Gruyere, etc???

I think I am about 15 years older than you, so no, I can't help you out when you get to be a geezer. I think my dad is too proud to ask for help. But he needs help. And really, it takes 1/2 an hour for me (and realistically, 1/2 an hour for my brother in Phoenix) to make sure he's taken care of for the week. So why is there a problem? There shouldn't be.

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